Why examinations should be banned?

Why examinations should be banned?

Exams take a toll on a student’s body and mind through the forms of stress and anxiety and you might end up in a mental institution. Because of exams, a medical student was caught eating pages from one of their recommended texts since he failed to absorb information from taking his lectures too literally.

Why the exam should not be banned?

One main reason examinations should not be abolished is that examinations motivate students to study hard. For example, students need good grades to get progress levels and to get into university, so student must study hard for that. Also, it is competing with each other for better grades.

What are the rules of examination?


  • Make sure that you are prepared for the exam.
  • You will not be allowed to leave the exam room during the exam.
  • You may be asked by the invigilator to place a barrier between you and the person sitting beside you.
  • An exam is a race against time, try to be quick, but careful.

Why is examination required?

Exams are intended to develop a sense of responsibility among those learners to remember the concepts and present them in the most valuable form. Exams improve the student’s overall personality, memory, and their revision skills. Generally, students give oral and written exams in their schools/colleges.

What are the disadvantages of exams?

Disadvantages of Exams

  • Source of Stress and Pressure: Some people are burdened with stress with the onset of Examinations.
  • Health Problems: Examinations also lead to various health problems like Headaches, Nausea, Loose Motions, V omitting etc.
  • Loss of Confidence: Failure in Exams leads to loss of confidence for many.

Are exams good or bad for students?

Examinations have good and bad sides. They Can be Constructive as well as Destructive. It all depends on the Personality and Character of a person. Examinations are an important part of academic studies.

What is exam condition?

noun. The conditions under which examinations are normally taken (usually with reference to conducting written examinations in silence, within a time limit, without access to reference materials, etc.); especially in “under exam conditions”.

Do and don’ts in examination hall?

Do not leave the examination hall before the half time has elapsed. Do not display or show answer sheets to anybody else. Do not forget to carry your University ID Card to exam room. Do not write anything on the question paper except your Roll No.

What is examination system?

Examination systems are modern web enabled applications like SmartExam or UCanAssess which can help in managing university examinations or online examinations successfully. They have been used by Universities like Banaras Hindu University, University of Mysore and Tezpur University over many years.

Who invented exams?

Henry Fischel
According to historical sources, then exams were invented by an American businessman and philanthropist known as Henry Fischel somewhere in the late 19th century. However, some sources attribute the invention of standardized assessments to another man by the same name, i.e. Henry Fischel.

Why do we think exams should be banned?

Another reason why we should ban examinations is because they don’t show an accurate reflection of a student’s ability. What should you do if 5 minutes after that exam, you remembered the answer you were thinking of?

Why are examinations should not be abolished free essay example?

Don’t use plagiarized sources. One main reason examinations should not be abolished is that examinations motivate students to study hard. For example, students need good grades to get progress levels and to get into university, so student must study hard for that.

Do you think exams should be banned for job managers?

The job managers will need to know how good they are in their education. Exams should not be banned as it provides a competitive spirit for the student. This era is a competitive era so students should be properly trained from schools to face these big and huge competitions.

Why are high grades not abolished in exams?

High grades make them feel better about themselves and increase confidence. Another reason examination should not be abolished is that it helps students to know their weaknesses and strengths of the subject and tell students what they need to improve on. Get quality help now RhizMan Verified writer

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