What were the problems with stone keep castles?

What were the problems with stone keep castles?

Stone keep castles were a lot bigger than motte and bailey castles and were able to hold more soldiers. Because of their vast size they were much harder to attack. However, they had two main weaknesses – there was nothing to be done if the enemy surrounded except remain in the castle.

How did attackers try to invade castles?

These included: Ladders – The enemy would try to climb over castle walls, using ladders. Fire – Early castles were made of wood, so they were easy to attack by setting fire to them. Battering ram – A large log that was hit against the castle walls to weaken them.

Why was it difficult to attack a castle?

A castle was built to withstand attack from enemy. Castle builders added many defensive features to make their castles difficult to attack. Many castles were built on high ground with clear views of the surrounding land. The walls of the castles were very high making it hard for attackers to climb over.

What was the worst job in a castle?

When it comes to horrible jobs in a castle, gong farmer has to win the prize. Gong farmers, also known as nightmen, were responsible for cleaning out human excrement from the cesspits within the castle walls.

How were castle walls breached?

If an invading army could create a breach in a wall, they could enter the castle in a less defended place. Invaders smashed the walls with battering rams and launched heavy stone projectiles and flaming projectiles at and over the walls. Another way to bring down castle walls was to mine under them.

How did people attack a castle?

Essentially there are three main ways of attacking a castle and, of course, the defenders knew this and so developed counter-measures to each. These were getting over the wall into the castle, going under the wall and battering a way through the wall to get inside.

What is the world’s worst jobs?

Some of the more repulsive or dangerous jobs included fuller, executioner, leech collector, Plague burier, rat-catcher, leather tanner, gong farmer, and sin-eater.

Why were stone keeps built?

The stone keep, or tower, was the heart of the castle. As well as being built for defence, it meant that rooms could be larger and more luxurious, often with fireplaces. Stone keep castles offered much better defence than the wooden castles which were built before them.

What’s the best way to attack a stone castle?

A good way of attacking a stone castle was through mining. Attackers would dig a tunnel underground up to the castle walls, under the gatehouse if possible. They would then set a charge and make an explosion which would make the walls crumble and collapse.

What did men use to knock down castles?

The thick stone walls of the Stone Keep castles were difficult for men to knock down. Although pickaxes could be used against castles with thinner walls, it would take a very long time to knock a hole through a castle with very thick walls. The battering ram was particularly useful since the weight of several men would be put behind it.

How did the attackers get into the castle?

These were known as gun loops. Some castles were surrounded by deep ditches called moats to stop attackers getting in. Some moats were filled with water, like Caerlaverock Castle near Dumfries (above). Attackers would have to swim or row across the moats to get to the castle.

What kind of obstacles did medieval castles have?

The gatehouse was filled with obstacles – multiple metal portcullis gateways; arrow-slits to fire at intruders; many different gates, doors and drawbridges; and even the infamous ‘murder holes’ – holes in the ceiling which boiling water could be poured through!

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