Why are South American countries so poor?

Why are South American countries so poor?

Unequal land/wealth distribution, corruption and eco-political instability still remain some of the common and overarching reasons behind the region’s struggle with poverty and its aftereffects.

What is the major cause of poverty in South America?

The main cause of poverty is unequal distribution of wealth. Other causes of poverty are internal conflicts, migration, higher fertility and structural adjustment. Colonialism also contributed to South America’s poverty. Though South America has vast natural resources, it is still home to the world’s poorest people.

Which is the poorest country in Pacific South America?

Venezuela is the poorest country in South America, with a per capita GDP of only $3,374.

What caused poverty in the South?

Unequal distribution of wealth Despite helpful tourism revenue, poverty rates in certain popular areas of South America rise steadily because of wealth inequality.

Why is Latin American so poor?

This country suffers from low income jobs, poor teaching skills in the rural areas, as well as absence of full benefits for the primary health care and chronic problems that the country has. The poor people in rural areas are at greater risks for health illness because they lack access to clean water and sanitation.

Why is South America not developed North America?

Steep mountains and tropical forests made land transport difficult to impossible. This led to the fragmentation of the Spanish New World empire into many, mostly relatively small countries and hindered the development of trade both between and within countries.

Is Brazil in poverty?

In Brazil, poverty disproportionately affects the young and those in the northeast. 8.5% of the population (16.2 million) lives on less than $45/month. Of the 16.2 million living below the poverty line, 4.8 million survive on no income at all.

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