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Who wears a blue veil in Africa?
Tuareg men begin wearing a veil at age 25, which conceals their entire face excluding their eyes. This veil is never removed, even in front of family members. It is believed that men began wearing the veil to protect their faces from the Sahara sands.
Why do Berbers wear blue?
The Tuaregs have been called the “blue people” for the indigo dye coloured clothes they traditionally wear and which stains their skin. A semi-nomadic people who practice Islam, they are believed to be descendants of the Berber natives of North Africa.
Why do Tuareg people wear blue veils?
Why do Tuareg men wear a veil? Tuareg men wear veils from age 25, which conceals their entire face, leaving only their eyes. It is believed that they wear it for protection from the Sahara sands. This veil is never removed, even in front of family members.
What is the Tuareg tribe?
Tuareg, French Touareg, Berber-speaking pastoralists who inhabit an area in North and West Africa ranging from Touat, Algeria, and Ghadames, Libya, to northern Nigeria and from Fezzan, Libya, to Timbuktu, Mali. Their political organizations extend across national boundaries.
What does Touareg mean in English?
free folk
‘”Touareg” literally means “free folk” and is the name of a nomadic tribe from the Sahara,'” they wrote in a press release, explaining their decision to borrow the name of the nomadic North African ethnic group. In 2003, Volkswagen launched its first ever SUV, the Touareg.
Where are Berbers from?
North Africa
Berber, self-name Amazigh, plural Imazighen, any of the descendants of the pre-Arab inhabitants of North Africa. The Berbers live in scattered communities across Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Niger, and Mauritania.
Why do Berbers wear black?
The amount of heat gained by a Bedouin exposed to desert heat is the same whether he or she wears a black robe or a white one. The additional heat absorbed by the black robe is lost before it reaches the skin and drives convection under the black robe, making it more comfortable than a white robe.
Are the Tuaregs black?
While the Tuareg are not a black African people, a group of their slaves came directly from the Sudan. They also acted as slave hunters, slave merchants, slave caravan guides and protectors of the slave trade routes.
What language do Tuaregs speak?
Tamashek is the language of the Tuareg, who often call themselves the Kel Tamagheq, or Tamashek speakers. The language is also spoken in Algeria and Mali and possesses its own writing, called tifinagh, which is in widespread use.
Where do Bedouins and Tuaregs live?
The Bedouins live mainly in the deserts of Arabia, Syria, Sinai, and Sahara, while the Tuareg live mainly in the Central Sahara and its neighboring regions.
What is a Touraq?
A member of a traditionally Muslim, Berber-speaking people inhabiting the western and central Sahara and western Sahel of northwest Africa. [Arabic ṭawāriq.]
What race were Berbers?
Berbers or Imazighen (Berber languages: ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵏ, ⵎⵣⵗⵏ, romanized: Imaziɣen; singular: Amaziɣ, ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⵎⵣⵗ; Arabic: أمازيغ) are an ethnic group who are indigenous to North Africa, specifically Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, the Canary Islands, and to a lesser extent in Mauritania, northern Mali, and northern Niger.
When did the Tuareg start wearing the Indigo veil?
The Tuareg were recorded by the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th Century BC. The most striking attribute of the Tuareg is the indigo veil, worn by the men but not the women, giving rise to the popular name the Blue Men of the Sahara, or Men of the Veil. Men begin wearing a veil at the age 25.
Where do people wear veils in West Africa?
The men are in charge of sewing clothes as well. The Tubu often work as shepherds, taking care of sheep and goats or breeding camels. The veil is also to be found in the state of Kano in the West African Republic of Nigeria, as worn here by the current emir.
Why do people in Africa wear turbans and veils?
Libya: Tuareg turbans and veils are not only functional The Sahara Desert and the Sahel zone are home to the Tuareg people who live nomadically on the African continent. The turban head covering of the Tuaregs, as well as the face veils worn by the men, protect them from the sun and sand.
Where do the Tubu people wear a veil?
It is also the men and not the women who veil themselves among the Tubu people, who mostly live in the northern Chad basin. The men are in charge of sewing clothes as well. The Tubu often work as shepherds, taking care of sheep and goats or breeding camels.