Who is more tragic Creon or Antigone?

Who is more tragic Creon or Antigone?

Creon is the tragic hero because he tries to restore order in Thebes and is a good ruler but ends up alone due to his excessive pride. Antigone is the tragic hero because she sticks to her beliefs in the Gods and family and dies because of her loyalty to them.

How does Antigone suffer in Antigone?

Antigone initially suffers the indignation of her brother. After killing (and being killed by) Eteocles, Polynices is denied an honorable burial. Because of this, she is willing to suffer death for her commitment to her brother.

Does Antigone or Creon deserve more sympathy?

Antigone deserves more sympathy than Creon, since he is more powerful and uses his power in a harsh and tyrannical manner. However, she is at least as stubborn as he is, and the majority of the audience’s sympathy is likely to go to the victims of their obstinacy: Ismene, Haemon and Eurydice.

Who has more power in the play Antigone Antigone or Creon Why?

Creon is the king of the Thebes. That means that he is the most powerful person in the play Antigone. In the play Antigone, Creon has the most power because he is the king of the Thebes, many people respect him, and he has devoted himself to the order of the kingdom.

Why is Creon the more tragic hero?

Creon is the tragic hero because of his error in judgement, stubborn way of ruling Thebes, his change, and all the tragedy brought on by his actions. Although Creon changed only when a messenger told him there would be a tragic ending because of all his actions, he did try to correct what he had done.

Why is Creon more tragic?

Creon’s tragic flaws were his stubbornness, the abuse of power and the actions he took to cause the downfall of the Thebes. Creon did not want to listen to the people of Thebes who tried to tell him that Antigone did the right thing, but of fear to Creon the could not really say anything.

Why is Creon so upset with Antigone?

Explain how Creon is in conflict with Antigone. Creon thinks his laws are right and he is above all, while Antigone obeys the gods. She believes that all family should be honored, and Creon doesn’t.

Is Creon right or Antigone?

Sophocles too, one feels, concluded that what Antigone did was right and what Creon did was wrong if the unwritten law of the Gods is taken into consideration. Creon has honored the laws of the land but has not acknowledged the laws of the Gods. Antigone on the other hand was more right than wrong.

Does Creon get what deserves?

Creon does in large measure get what he deserves at the end of the play, although this does not mean that we can’t feel sorry for him. He brings retribution down on his own head by his intemperate speech and actions, but the disaster that finally overwhelms him is of such magnitude that it is hard not to pity him.

Why is Antigone a sympathetic character?

Is Antigone a sympathetic character? In this play, Antigone is clearly the protagonist, as she is showed in her grief, seems sympathetic and the reader or spectator sees her from the beginning; it creates more impact and draws attention to the extremity of her feelings and emotions. …

Are Creon and Antigone more alike or different?

The main difference between Antigone and Creon is that Antigone is loyal to her family, but Creon is loyal to the state. Antigone and Creon are the two main characters in Sophocles’ play Antigone. These two characters are often compared and contrasted since they appear to be like the sides of a coin.

How does Antigone differ from Creon?

The main discrepancy between Antigone and Creon is that Antigone is loyal to the individual while Creon is loyal to the state. In order to provide him with a proper burial, she breaks Creon’s law and even accepts her death for it. Her actions are driven by the mourning for her brother.

What are the main differences between Antigone and Creon?

The main difference between Antigone and Creon is their different stances on law. Antigone values moral and religious laws while Creon, values the laws of the state. In Scene II, Antigone is asked why she broke the law to bury her brother.

What is Antigone’s decision in ‘Antigone’?

This study will examine the moral decision of Antigone, in Sophocles’ play Antigone, to bury her dead brother against the legal decree of Creon, the King of Thebes. Antigone grants that her brother Polyneices has indeed broken the law by trying to take over Thebes (the reason that Creon wants to disallow his burial), but Antigone argues that there is a higher law than the legal code, a higher law which is based on the sacred tie of blood relations.

What are some character traits of Creon?

There were three specific characteristics that can be explained to describe Creon’s personality. He was ignorant, rude and insecure. Creon had a natural habit of being ignorant of others. He refuses to notice other people’s opinion, advice and point of view. Creon believes that since he was the king,…

What are Creon’s character flaws?

Creon is the tragic character in the play “Antigone”. Creon’s tragic flaw, hubris, causes his downfall. Creon will not listen to anyone. He is stubborn and his pride is so great, he can not bring himself to acknowledge that he could ever wrong. When Creon is talking to Teiresias , he thinks that he is being paid off.

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