Who has a crush on Bella Swan?

Who has a crush on Bella Swan?

Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen) is Bella’s primary love interest. As stated in the first and second novels, he was born on June 20, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, and was frozen in his 17-year-old body while dying of the Spanish influenza, when he was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

Did Jessica become a vampire in Twilight?

Jessica was close to dying, but this was when Carlisle came to her and turned her into a vampire. After been turned into a vampire, Jessica was taken to the Cullen’s house to be taken care of. Bella revealed to her and the Cullens that they were vampires.

Who is Bella’s girl best friend in Twilight?

Bella Swan Angela is considered Bella’s best human friend due to her gentle nature. While under depression of Edward’s leaving, Bella asks Jessica for a girl’s night out instead of Angela, only because she knows that she will make her worry more.

Who falls in love in Twilight?

In Twilight, a human, 17-year-old Bella, moves to her father’s home in Forks, Washington, meets the mysterious Cullen family, and falls in love with a young vampire, 17-year-old Edward Cullen.

Who did Bella really love?

Bella actually falls in love with Jacob in New Moon. It’s understandable why this fact didn’t occur to her: Bella had fallen in love only one other time, and it was a very sudden, dramatic, sweep-you-off-your-feet, change-your-world, magical, passionate, all-consuming thing.

Why is Jessica a fake friend in Twilight?

In the movies, Jessica is still a chatterbox and somewhat of a fake friend, but is much friendlier to Bella than her book incarnation. Her friendship with Bella slowly got back on track after the events in New Moon, which shows in Eclipse. Edward strongly dislikes her due to the bad thoughts she had of Bella and others.

Where did Jessica go to high school in Twilight?

Jessica became a more minor character throughout the series as she became friendly with Lauren Mallory and Bella drifted away from her, particularly beginning in Eclipse. However, Jessica and Bella make up at graduation and she is invited to the Cullens’ graduation party. Jessica decides to go to California after high school.

Who is Jessica Stanley in the Twilight movies?

In the movie adaption of Twilight, Jessica was portrayed by Anna Kendrick. She reprised her role in New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn – Part 1 . The character Jessica is combined with that of Lauren Mallory.

Who is Twilight’s crush in my Little Pony?

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, when Twilight travels to an alternate world, she bumps into and develops a crush on a student named Flash Sentry. They have several awkward encounters throughout the film, and Flash even helps her avoid punishment from Vice Principal Luna.

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