Which is correct suffer with or suffer from?

Which is correct suffer with or suffer from?

– if it is simply about a diagnosis, then “suffer from” is the way to go. – if you mean that you are having a real hard time with it, then choose “suffer with”.

When to Use suffer and suffer from?

In medical usage suffer with is sometimes employed with reference to the pain or discomfort caused by a condition, while suffer from is used more broadly in reference to a condition, such as anemia, that is detrimental but not necessarily painful.

How do you use the word suffer?

He died instantly and did not suffer. He suffered a heart attack and died instantly. She suffered an injury during the game. We suffered a great deal during the war..

How do you know which preposition to use?

Prepositions are always used to indicate the relationship of a noun or phrase to something else. When using a preposition, you must always have the subject and verb before it, and follow it with a noun. You should never follow it with a verb!

What’s the opposite of suffer?

What is the opposite of suffer?

prohibit ban
reject refuse
disapprove deny
oppose fight
disagree hold

Has or had suffered?

Present perfect. I, have suffered. you, have suffered. he/she/it, has suffered.

What is an example of suffering?

Suffering is being or remaining in pain or misery. An example of suffering is a person being tortured daily. Something suffered; pain, distress, or injury.

Does suffer mean to allow?

To admit, allow, or permit. The term suffer is used to convey the idea of Acquiescence, passivity, indifference, or abstention from preventive action, as opposed to the taking of an affirmative step.

What type of word is suffer?

The verb suffer means to feel pain or something equally unpleasant.

Is suffering a correct word?

the state of a person or thing that suffers. Often sufferings. something suffered by a person or a group of people; pain: the sorrows and sufferings of our poorest citizens.

What are the 10 prepositions?

A preposition usually precedes a noun or a pronoun. Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

What are appropriate prepositions examples?

Some examples of common prepositions used in sentences are:

  • He sat on the chair.
  • There is some milk in the fridge.
  • She was hiding under the table.
  • The cat jumped off the counter.
  • He drove over the bridge.
  • She lost her ring at the beach.
  • The book belongs to Anthony.
  • They were sitting by the tree.

When to use a preposition after the word suffer?

When used as an intransitive verb, the prepositions that can be used after suffer are from, for, by, in, at and under. Alcoholics suffer from periods of oblivion. Most of the important cities in the world suffer from traffic jam. It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people.

When do you use suffer as an intransitive verb?

When used as an intransitive verb, the prepositions that can be used after suffer are from, for, by, in, at and under. Examples: Alcoholics suffer from periods of oblivion. Most of the important cities in the world suffer from traffic jam.

Which is correct, ” suffer with ” or ” suffer from “?

“Suffer with” – means that you are in the same situation as the other person. You are both suffering from the same problem. (My sister and I both suffer from bad migraine headaches). “Suffer from” means that you are explaining why you are suffering.

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