Where is the largest water body located in the United States?

Where is the largest water body located in the United States?

1. Lake Superior. Lake Superior has a surface of 31,700 square miles and it is located in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario, Canada.

What are the four major bodies of water in the United States?

The bodies of water surrounding the United States make up more than 96 million square miles.

  • Pacific Ocean. The West Coast and Alaska are next to the Pacific Ocean, the largest body of water in the world.
  • Atlantic Ocean.
  • Great Lakes.
  • Gulf of Mexico.

How many bodies of water are there in the USA?

The contiguous United States are framed by three major bodies of water: the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Gulf of Mexico to the south.

Which of the following water bodies surround the USA?

Explanation: Positioned in the planet’s northern and western hemispheres, it’s bordered in the north by the Arctic Ocean, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, in the southeast by the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean.

What bodies of water are found in North America?

The contiguous United States are framed by three major bodies of water: the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. The Pacific also holds the Hawaiian Island chain.

What are the 5 largest bodies of water?


  • Pacific Ocean – 155,556,651 sq km.
  • Atlantic Ocean – 76,761,938 sq km.
  • Indian Ocean – 68,555,923 sq km.
  • Antarctic / Southern Ocean – 20,327,001 sq km.
  • Arctic Ocean – 14,055,930 sq km.
  • Hudson Bay – 4,041,400 sq km.
  • South China Sea – 2,974,601 sq km.
  • How many bodies of water are there in the United States?

    What bodies of water are near New York?

    The following are New York City water bodies: • The Atlantic Ocean and the New York Bight south of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. New York Harbor, which is a tidally influenced estuary, subject to the mixing of salt water from the ocean with fresh water primarily from the Hudson River.

    What are the largest bodies of water in the US?

    North America’s Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake. The Caspian Sea is a large body of water, although it’s technically a lake. Salt companies extract salt for sale from the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The Mediterranean Sea is one of the 10 largest bodies of water.

    What are main bodies of water in the US?

    Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water in the world,covering about one-third of the Earth’s surface.

  • Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is the world’s second-largest ocean.
  • Gulf of Mexico.
  • Other Bodies of Water.
  • What is the smallest to the biggest bodies of water?

    The smallest is the Arctic , and the largest is the Pacific which comprises more than 50% of the world’s surface. Subsequently, one may also ask, what are the 5 oceans from largest to smallest? The Global Ocean. The five oceans from smallest to largest are: the Arctic, Southern, Indian, Atlantic and Pacific. The Arctic Ocean. The Southern Ocean.

    What are the names of water bodies?

    Water bodies are described by a plethora of different names in English: rivers, streams, ponds, bays, gulfs, and seas to name a few. Many of these terms’ definitions overlap and thus become confusing when one attempts to pigeonhole a type of water body.

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