Where is Herod Sayle from Alex Rider?

Where is Herod Sayle from Alex Rider?

The only known location of Sayle Enterprises is a factory and guest houses in Port Tallon, Cornwall, UK.

What is Stormbreaker How did Sayle want to make use of it?

At midday, Sayle’s plan was for the Prime Minister to make a smug, self-serving speech and press a button, which he believes would activate the computer. In reality, he would release the virus from each computer in the country, causing the schoolchildren gathered around the terminal to die.

Is Yassen Alex Rider’s dad?

Biography. According to Ash, Yassen was born in Russia and had a rough childhood. He was with John Rider, Alex’s father, (unbeknown to Yassen, as part of John’s MI6 cover in SCORPIA) when him and John killed a drug dealer in the Amazon. Then Yassen became even more powerful.

Who is Alex Rider’s father?

John Rider was an agent who worked for the Special Operations division of MI6, and was the brother of Ian Rider and father to Alex Rider.

How old is Herod Sayle in Stormbreaker?

Think back to how Sayle acts with Alex when he first arrives, telling the fourteen-year-old that being killed by his “awesome and repulsive” jellyfish would be an “unforgettable death” (7.25, 7.32).

What did Herod Sayle do?

Herod Sayle is a wealthy man, and owns a computer company as well as a string of racehorses. He has invented a revolutionary computer called Stormbreaker, and he plans to donate one model to every secondary school in the country. See the Stormbreaker mission file for a complete record.

Who wrote Stormbreaker?

Anthony Horowitz

Who killed John rider Alex Rider?

Yassen Gregorovich
John’s brother Ian then became Alex’s legal guardian, and remained so until he was killed by Yassen Gregorovich at the beginning of Stormbreaker.

What happened at the end of Stormbreaker?

The day has been saved. The schoolchildren of England will live to see another day, Herod Sayle’s operation has been dismantled, and Alex is no worse for the wear. There’s still a bit of unfinished business to take care of, however… That’s because Sayle is still alive.

Is Ian Rider alive?

In the TV series, Ian Rider dies during the early events of Point Blanc, but is still killed by Yassen Gregorovich to prevent him from discovering any further information. His death leads Alex to become entangled with MI6.

Is Alex Rider Stormbreaker on Netflix?

Watch Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker on Netflix Today!

Who is Herod Sayle in the book Stormbreaker?

Herod Sayle is the primary antagonist in Stormbreaker . Sayle was one of thirteen children (nine boys and four girls). His father was a failed hairdresser and his mother took in washing.

How did Herod Sayle get away from Alex Rider?

Sayle is hit by two bullets, one in his left arm and the other in his shoulder, but he manages to escape. After Alex has a meeting with Mrs. Jones and Alan Blunt, Alex takes a cab to discover that the driver is in fact Sayle. The villain then takes Alex to a tower of his and he shows him a helicopter about to land that will take him into hiding.

What kind of Shoes does Herod Sayle wear?

Herod Sayle is short. He dresses immaculately – wearing expensive black suits and brightly polished black shoes. Herod Sayle is a wealthy man, and owns a computer company as well as a string of racehorses. He has invented a revolutionary computer called Stormbreaker, and he plans to donate one model to every secondary school in the country.

Why did Yassen have to kill Herod Sayle?

Yassen claimed he had to kill Sayle because by failing with his plan, Sayle had become an embarrasment to SCORPIA. It is revealed in Russian Roulette that Yassen was tasked to kill Alex but decided to spare him. You’re mad! By midnight tonight you’ll be in jail!

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