Where can I find the price per pound?

Where can I find the price per pound?

It is now easy to calculate the price per pound! – PricePerLB.com ( Price Per Pound) is a mobile-enabled, user-friendly website app, where you can compare prices using a mobile device, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

What’s the best price for 4.5oz of meat?

The best choice is 4.5oz for $1.69. While buying online or in-store, be careful not to get caught. Use PricePerLb.com on your smartphone and outsmart the stores!

How much does a pound of tuna cost?

This item is not the cheapest. It costs $6.39 per pound You are faced with the following situation: – You want to buy a can of your favorite tuna, and you have three choices: 2oz for $0.99; 4.5oz for $1.69; or 12oz for $4.79. Which choice will give you the most value for your money, and how to calculate the price per pound?

Where does the unit of weight pound come from?

If you’re not familiar with the English unit of weight, here’s a brief introduction to the English unit of weight – pound. Pound stands for pound weight or libra pondo. In Latin, libra means weight or balance scale. Thus, pound derived its name from pondo, and the lb notation for pound is an abbreviation of libra.

Is there an app for cost per pound?

– PricePerLb.com is a web app for comparing the cost per pound or price per pound of products. Coded in HTML and JavaScript, the cost comparison app is extremely user-friendly and easy-to-use. You can access the app using desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablets or mobile devices to get the price per pound or cost per lb.

How much does a quarter of an ounce cost?

Since an ounce is 28 grams, a quarter is then seven grams. Quarters are one of the most popular weights with consumers. They usually cost between $70 to $90 in a dispensary, while costing anywhere from $80 to $120 on the street.

What can I buy at Asda for less than £1?

Huge savings can be made by going for generic medicines rather than branded products. Asda has cut the price of 300 lines to just £1 – meaning you can now buy a 500g box of Nestle Frosted Shreddies for £1 instead of the normal £2.19.

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