What would happen if you were in the stratosphere?

What would happen if you were in the stratosphere?

Similar to outer space, the stratosphere experiences freezing temperatures, with atmospheric pressures and oxygen levels far below the level required for human survival. Exposure to this environment causes unique injuries to the human body that can be deadly if the correct management is not promptly initiated.

What happens to exposed skin in space?

After about 10 seconds or so, your skin and the tissue underneath will begin to swell as the water in your body starts to vaporise in the absence of atmospheric pressure. If you do die in space, your body will not decompose in the normal way, since there is no oxygen.

What happens to human bodies in space?

Blood and other bodily fluids are pulled by gravity into the lower body. When you go to space, gravity weakens and thus fluids are no longer pulled down, resulting in a state where fluids accumulate in the upper body. This is why the face swells in space.

What happens to the atmosphere if the stratosphere disappears?

Most of the material in Earth’s atmosphere is in the troposphere. If the stratosphere disappeared, the troposphere would expand and a new stratosphere would form. Probably there would still be enough atmosphere left for us to not notice, depending on how much violence is associated with the removal of the stratosphere and its replacement.

How big is the layer in the stratosphere?

If you were to climb a mountain in the stratosphere you would have to take off your warm clothes as you got closer to the top rather than putting them on like we usually do. But there are no mountains high enough to reach the stratosphere, so you don’t have to worry about that. This layer is 22 miles (35 kilometers) thick.

Are there mountains high enough to reach the stratosphere?

But there are no mountains high enough to reach the stratosphere, so you don’t have to worry about that. This layer is 22 miles (35 kilometers) thick. The stratosphere is where you’ll find the very important ozone layer.

What happens to your body in outer space?

Without this lovely thick atmospheric blanket, you’re exposed to all sorts of things. The most serious dangers of exposure to outer space are a lack of oxygen and ebullism. Ebullism is the formation of bubbles in body fluids due to a reduction in ambient pressure.

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