What was the aftermath of the Newcastle earthquake?

What was the aftermath of the Newcastle earthquake?

The earthquake caused 13 fatalities; 160 people were injured. The impact on infrastructure was widespread, with damage caused to roads, bridges and power lines. Fifty thousand building were damaged – of those, 40,000 were homes.

What improvements have been made in Newcastle as a result of the 1989 earthquake?

By 1989 it had developed a strong and reliable state-wide network with interconnection to Victoria and a right to 75% of hydro power from the Snowy Scheme. This hydro resource was also important for controlling stability of the integrated east coast system, which by then extended for a length of approx. 2,200 km.

How did the Newcastle earthquake affect the community?

The damage bill was estimated at A$4 billion, with over 35,000 homes, 147 schools, and 3,000 other buildings damaged over an area of 9,000 km2. Around 300,000 people were affected by the damage and 1,000 were made homeless.

How long did it take to rebuild after the Newcastle earthquake?

Not long after the tremors struck on that summer Thursday, Newcastle lord mayor John McNaughton, a surveyor, set a timeline to have the city reopened within eight days.

What damage was caused by the Newcastle earthquake?

The earthquake caused damage to over 35,000 homes, 147 schools, and 3,000 commercial and/or other buildings, with significant damage (i.e. damage worth over $1,000; $2,100 in 2018 adjusted for inflation) caused to 10,000 homes and 42 schools (structural damage), within the immediate Newcastle area.

How did Newcastle emerge?

The settlement was named Coal River, also Kingstown and then renamed Newcastle, after England’s famous coal port. The new settlement, comprising convicts and a military guard, arrived at the Hunter River on 27 March 1804 in three ships: HMS Lady Nelson, the Resource and the James.

What are some social impacts from earthquakes?

People may experience shock and disbelief, fear and apprehension, anger, and shame and guilt in the early days after an event, and over the longer term. Trauma and grief will put personal, family and community relationships under pressure.

What is the biggest earthquake in Australia?

Australia’s largest recorded earthquake was in 1988 at Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, with an estimated magnitude of 6.6. It occurred in a sparsely populated area and resulted in damage to a major gas pipeline.

How has Newcastle changed over time?

A number of advancements such as the invention of the steam turbine and the Davy lamp can also be credited to the town. This industrial expansion lead to a huge influx of people, with the population rising from 87,784 in 1851 to 266,671 in 1911 and the honour of city status in 1882.

What is Newcastle known for?

Newcastle is famous for its spectacular bridges, adoration of football, breathtaking scenery, fascinating history, delicious food, and wild nightlife. It’s also known for its museums, theaters, breweries, and markets.

What is the aftermath of an earthquake?

The effects from earthquakes include ground shaking, surface faulting, ground failure, and less commonly, tsunamis.

How do earthquakes affect people’s lives socially and economically?

A powerful earthquake can destroy buildings, factories, shops, roads, bridges and schools. These cause many people to become homeless. Furthermore, earthquakes can cause disruption to public services like transport systems and communication connections.

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