What was Lewis and Clark greatest accomplishments?

What was Lewis and Clark greatest accomplishments?

Lewis and Clark’s expedition added significant knowledge of the zoological and botanical of the continent, providing the first descriptions of many new species of animals, including the grizzly bear, prairie dog, pronghorn antelope, and mountain goat.

What did Lewis and Clark actually accomplish?

Lewis and Clark’s team mapped uncharted land, rivers, and mountains. They brought back journals filled with details about Native American tribes and scientific notes about plants and animals they’d never seen before. They also brought back stories—tales that made other Americans dream about heading west.

What 3 things did Lewis and Clark discover?

Lewis and Clark’s Scientific Discoveries: Plants

  • Osage orange. Scientific name: Maclura pomifera – Lewis first described this on March 3, 1804.
  • Broad-leaved gum-plant.
  • Lance-leaved psoralea.
  • Large-flowered clammyweed.
  • Missouri milk vetch.
  • Few-flowered psoralea; scurfy pea.
  • Aromatic aster.
  • Silver-leaf psoralea; silvery scurfpea.

What were 3 accomplishments of Lewis and Clark’s expedition?

Though this could not be accomplished the expedition is considered a resounding success for various reasons including establishing diplomatic relations and trade with at least two dozen native American nations; establishing the presence of America over the Louisiana territory; and obtaining a wealth of scientific and …

What were 3 goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Their mission was to explore the unknown territory, establish trade with the Natives and affirm the sovereignty of the United States in the region.

What landmarks did Lewis and Clark discover?


  • Cahokia Courthouse.
  • Winter Camp at Wood River (Camp Dubois)
  • Gateway Arch National Park.
  • Charbonier Bluff.
  • St. Charles Historic District.
  • Tavern Cave.
  • Clark’s Hill State Historic Site.
  • Sugar Loaf Rock.

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition What did it accomplish?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806) was a federally funded venture to explore the North American West. The expedition’s principal objective was to survey the Missouri and Columbia rivers, locating routes that would connect the continental interior to the Pacific Ocean.

What were the results of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Nevertheless, the expedition contributed significant geographic and scientific knowledge of the West, aided the expansion of the fur trade, and strengthened U.S. claims to the Pacific. Clark’s maps portraying the geography of the West, printed in 1810 and 1814, were the best available until the 1840s.

What was the main purpose of Lewis and Clark’s expedition?

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition? Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) was a U.S. military expedition, led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest.

What was the most important outcome of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

What was the most important outcome of the Lewis and Clark expedition? The most noticeable immediate effect was the rise in the northern plains fur trade between 1806 and 1812.

How many things did Lewis and Clark discover?

122 animals
Throughout the Corps’ more than 4,000-mile journey, Captains Lewis and Clark recorded 178 plants and 122 animals not previously known to science.

Where did the Lewis and Clark expedition start?

Lewis and Clark’s Journey Begins The Corps of Discovery embarks from Camp Dubois outside of St. Louis, Missouri, in a 55-foot keelboat to begin the westward journey up the Missouri River.

What are Lewis and Clark most famous for?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are best known for their expedition from the Mississippi River to the West Coast and back. The expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was President Thomas Jefferson’s visionary project to explore the American West.

What were Lewis and Clark supposed to do?

According to Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark were supposed to treat Native Americans well and be friendly and neighborly. He encouraged the expedition crew to trade with them and to help their children. He also told the crew to carry smallpox medicine in case the Native Americans needed it.

What is Lewis and Clark remembered for?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are best known for their expedition from the Mississippi River to the West Coast and back . The expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was President Thomas Jefferson’s visionary project to explore the American West . It began in May of 1804 and ended in September 1806.

What was Lewis and Clark primary goal?

What was the primary goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The primary goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to find a northwest passage- a direct route to the pacific ocean .

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