What was Charles Yerkes known for?

What was Charles Yerkes known for?

Charles Tyson Yerkes, (born June 25, 1837, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.—died Dec. 29, 1905, New York, N.Y.), American financier who put together the syndicate of companies that built Chicago’s mass-transit system.

How rich was Charles Yerkes?

Charles Tyson Yerkes died in New York City on December 29, 1905, at the age of 68. His estate was valued at $4 million.

Was Charles Yerkes a robber baron?

“Yerkes definitely belongs in the pantheon of robber barons,” Franch said. “He was incredibly unscrupulous, routinely using bribery and at times even employing professional vamps to seduce lawmakers. He even looted his own companies for his personal gain.”

What did Charles Yerkes do with his money?

He had reinvested funds he’d gotten selling bonds for the city; he couldn’t come up with the money and, found guilty of “technical embezzlement,” he went to prison. If Scott Fitzgerald’s dictum about there being no second acts in American lives were true, that would certainly have been the end of Yerkes.

How did psychologist Robert M Yerkes contribute to the war effort?

During Yerkes’ tenure as President of the APA, he became involved in developing the Army’s Alpha and Beta Intelligence Tests as part of the World War I effort. The tests were extensively used during this time and were taken by millions of U.S. soldiers.

What type of psychologist was Robert Yerkes?

comparative psychology
Robert Mearns Yerkes (/ˈjɜːrkiːz/; May 26, 1876 – February 3, 1956) was an American psychologist, ethologist, eugenicist and primatologist best known for his work in intelligence testing and in the field of comparative psychology.

What did Alfred Binet do for psychology?

Contribution to Psychology Binet was tasked with finding a way to distinguish children with cognitive impairments to ensure they received the educational services they needed. He worked with Simon to devise intelligence tests, the first of which was introduced in 1905, known as the Binet-Simon Scale.

Why did Yerkes develop an IQ test?

So Colonel Yerkes combined his early ideas of inherited intelligence and the development of mental testing and developed the Army Alpha and Beta tests as a way of selecting recruits. The aim of this study is to examine the early history of intelligence testing.

What is Army Alpha and Army Beta?

The Army Alpha test was distributed to determine whether draftees could read English, but also to evaluate soldiers so that they could be assigned to tasks or training in alignment with their abilities. The Army Beta test was developed for those men with limited literacy who were unable to respond to the written test.

What did Alfred Binet believe?

He believed that intelligence was complex and could not be fully captured by a single quantitative measure. He also believed that intelligence was not fixed.

Who was Alfred Binet and what did he do?

Alfred Binet, (born July 8, 1857, Nice, France—died October 18, 1911, Paris), French psychologist who played a dominant role in the development of experimental psychology in France and who made fundamental contributions to the measurement of intelligence.

What is pass along test?

Passalong Test, a performance test of intelligence for persons 7 to 20 years old, invented by W.P. Alexander c. 1937 and published by University of London Press in 1937. Intelligence was measured using the Passalong Test. It was a component of W. P. Alexander’s Performance scale. The test was devised in 1937.

How old was Mary Adelaide Moore when she married John Yerkes?

Yerkes had started out in the brokerage business in Philadelphia, where he also began developing traction and street railways. As his fortune increased, the married Yerkes noticed the 16-year old Mary Adelaide Moore. Mary, called Mollie by her friends, was one of nine children of a chemist and before long was Yerkes’ mistress.

Where did Emilie Yerkes live in New York?

When Yerkes and his wife moved to New York, Emilie would not be far behind. The mansion on Fifth Avenue was called by a Chicago newspaper “a palace.” Designed by R. H. Robertson, the brownstone pile rose five stories and stretched 100 feet along Fifth Avenue—four times the width of an average rowhouse—and 153 feet along 68th Street.

How old was Mary Yerkes when she met Emilie Grigsby?

Emilie Grigsby was exactly the age that Mary had been when he met her—just sixteen. When Yerkes and his wife moved to New York, Emilie would not be far behind. The mansion on Fifth Avenue was called by a Chicago newspaper “a palace.”

Why was Charles Yerkes sent to prison for?

Charles Yerkes was more ambitious than scrupulous and in 1871 was sent to prison for embezzling $400,000 in city money. His teen-aged mistress faithfully visited him there, earning her the nickname “prison angel” by the prison officials.

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