What products contains ephedrine?

What products contains ephedrine?

Ephedrine is available over-the-counter (OTC) as an oral medication in combination with the expectorant guaifenesin, and comes in the form of tablets, caplets, or syrup….Common brands containing ephedrine:

  • Bronkaid®
  • Primatene® Tablets.
  • Store Brands (ex: Walmart’s “Equate” store brand or CVS Health store brand)

Which drug is related to ephedrine?

Signed into law by President George W. Bush on March 6, 2006, the act amended the US Code (21 USC 830) concerning the sale of products containing ephedrine and the closely related drug pseudoephedrine.

What is ephedrine used for?

Ephedrine is a central nervous system stimulant used to treat breathing problems (as a bronchodilator), nasal congestion (as a decongestant), low blood pressure problems (orthostatic hypotension), or myasthenia gravis.

Is ephedrine the same as epinephrine?

As a vasoconstrictor, epinephrine is 100 to 1,000 times more potent than ephedrine. 1 Mix-ups between these two drugs have resulted in serious patient harm.

What is another name for Gravol?

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Gravol is a​ trade name for the non-prescription drug dimenhydrinate. Dimenhydrinate is used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting.

What is another name for ephedrine?

Ephedrine is available under the following different brand names: Akovaz, and Corphedra.

Why was primatene taken off the market?

Feb. 1, 2019 — Primatene Mist, an over-the-counter inhaler for asthma, is now back on drugstore shelves after an 8-year absence. Pulled from the market in 2011 due to its ozone-depleting propellant, the new inhaler has a more environmentally friendly propellant.

What are the names of the drugs that contain ephedrine?

Medications containing ephedrine: ephedrine systemic. Brand names: Akovaz, Corphedra. Drug class(es): decongestants, vasopressors. Ephedrine systemic is used in the treatment of: Adams-Stokes Syndrome.

Can you take ephedrine alone or with other drugs?

Ephedrine may be used alone or with other medications. Ephedrine belongs to a class of drugs called Alpha/Beta Adrenergic Agonists. It is not known if Ephedrine is safe and effective in children. What are the possible side effects of Ephedrine?

How is ephedrine used to treat low blood pressure?

Ephedrine is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of low blood pressure during anesthesia (Hypotension). Ephedrine may be used alone or with other medications. Ephedrine belongs to a class of drugs called Alpha/Beta Adrenergic Agonists.

When do you take ephedrine for chest tightness?

Last updated on Mar 18, 2021. What is ephedrine? Ephedrine is used for temporary relief of shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing due to bronchial asthma. Ephedrine may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Ephedrine is a decongestant and bronchodilator.

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