What is worst word ever?

What is worst word ever?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries.

What is the most baddest word?

The meaning of cunt, the most offensive curse word in English, is actually based in female sexual empowerment — Quartz.

What are some terrible words?


  • appalling.
  • awful.
  • bad.
  • beastly.
  • detestable.
  • disgusting.
  • dreadful.
  • execrable.

Why is actually a bad word?

Actually is a word worse than literally because it is a secret criticism, an indirect jab, a correction with a barb. It is the “talk to the hand” of the adverb community. And even when it’s being used nicely, it’s unnecessary, a waste of space.

What is the stupidest word in English?

The 10 Worst Words in the English Language

  • Colonel. “Colonel” is just an unwieldy disaster of phonetics and it spits in the face of the English language.
  • Rural. There is no graceful way to say rural.
  • Fester.
  • Puce.
  • Squelch.
  • February.
  • Pustule.
  • Bosom.

What is a word worse than horrible?

nasty, disagreeable, unpleasant, horrid, awful, dreadful, terrible, appalling, horrendous, disgusting, foul, revolting, repulsive, repellent, ghastly. obnoxious, hateful, odious, objectionable, offensive, insufferable, vile, loathsome, abhorrent.

What is Logomisia?

Logomisia: an intense dislike of a particular word because of its sound or associations (the m-word, phlegm, bulbous, etc.).

What are the worst words in the English language?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries .

What are all of the bad words?

25 Synonyms for Bad – Words List. appalling, astounding, atrocious, awful, dire, disgusting, dreadful, frightful, gross, harmful, hideous, horrendous, horrid, inadequate, inferior, lousy, mean, nasty, offensive, severe, shameful, shocking, terrible, unacceptable, unpleasant. Plus spare cards to write your own words….

What are the bad words in the English language?

There are no bad words in the English language. There are only people who have problems with issues such as sexuality, bodily functions, organs, excretions, religion, and foreign ethnicities. They pin labels onto words to compensate for their complexes, hangups, and aversions.

What bad words are there?

None of those features make them “bad”. Technical terms for different categories of what are commonly referred to as “bad words” are profanity, obscenity, pejorative, and expletive (although “expletive” also has other meanings).

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