What is the story of secret for two?

What is the story of secret for two?

In the short story A Secret for Two, by Quentin Reynolds, Pierre Dupin is a milkman. He gets a horse he named Joseph, after a saint. Pierre and Joseph delivered milk together for fifteen years, and a bond grew between them. They come to love each other, and they spend as much time as possible together.

What is the meaning of in a secret for two?

Answer: if the title of the story is a secret for two…. the title of the story refers to the secret shared by Pierre and Joseph that Pierre was blind. tramwayniceix and 42 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 27. 4.4.

Why does Pierre name his horse after St Joseph?

What did Pierre say about the horse? Pierre stroked the horse’s neck and looked into his eyes. “This is a nice horse, a kind and gentle one,” said Pierre “I’ll name him after Saint Joseph, who was also very kind and gentle.” Within a year Joseph knew the milk route as well as Pierre did.

Where does a secret for two take place?

Setting: It was taken place on Prince Edward st in Montreal, Canada. Mood: The mood throughout the whole story was very serious and for the most part sad.

Who are the characters in the secret for two?

A Secret For Two

Question Answer
Who are the minor characters in “A Secret For Two”? The minor characters are Joseph, Pierre’s boss, Jack, and the truck driver.
What is an example of irony in “A Secret for Two”? No one knew that Pierre was blind.(It appears that no that Pierre can see but he is really blind.)

Who was Pierre Dupin?

Answer: Pierre Dupin was a milkman. He worked in the Provincale Milk Company in Montreal. Pierre used a milk wagon to deliver milk to the families for the past fifteen years. The milk wagon was pulled by a large, white horse named Joseph.

What secret did Joseph and Pierre share?

Explanation: In the short story A Secret for Two, by Quentin Reynolds, Pierre Dupin is a milkman. He gets a horse he named Joseph, after a saint. Pierre and Joseph delivered milk together for fifteen years, and a bond grew between them.

How did Pierre meet his death?

Pierre Curie died in a street accident in Paris on 19 April 1906. Crossing the busy Rue Dauphine in the rain at the Quai de Conti, he slipped and fell under a heavy horse-drawn cart. He died instantly when one of the wheels ran over his head, fracturing his skull.

What was the secret between Pierre and Joseph?

In the short story A Secret for Two, by Quentin Reynolds, Pierre Dupin is a milkman. He gets a horse he named Joseph, after a saint. Pierre and Joseph delivered milk together for fifteen years, and a bond grew between themPierre and Joseph delivered milk together for fifteen years, and a bond grew between them.

What is the secret of the protagonist in the story a secret for two?

A secret for two

Question Answer
Who was the protagonist of A Secret For Two? The protagonist of the story is Pierre.
Who was the antagonist of A Secret For Two? The passing of Time.
Who was the minor character in A Secret For Two? The minor character was Joseph and Jack.

What was the secret shared between Pierre and Joseph?

What secret did Jacques think that Pierre and Joseph shared?

What did he think of Pierre’s relationship with Joseph? Jacques was the foreman of the stables. Jacques knew that Pierre’s relationship with his horse was a special one. He always felt that the two shared a secret that no one else knew.

Who is the author of two can keep a secret?

Teens sneak alcohol into school dance. Teen boy has one beer at a party. Parents need to know that Two Can Keep a Secret, by Karen M. McManus ( One of Us Is Lying ), is a mystery about popular teen girls who are murdered several years apart.

Where does the story take place in the secret for two?

Setting The story takes place in the olden times because they use horses as transportation. It also takes place at the Provincial milk company in Montreal, Quebec on Prince Edward Street. At the beginning of the story, the characters are happy because Pierre got a horse that is very gentile, faithful, and trustworthy.

Who are the main characters in a secret for two?

The tone of the story is serious. Who is the protagonist of “A Secret for Two”? The protagonist in the story is Pierre. Who is the antagonist of “A Secret for Two”? The Passing of time. Who are the minor characters in “A Secret For Two”? The minor characters are Joseph, Pierre’s boss, Jack, and the truck driver.

What was the theme of the secret for two?

Theme The theme of the story is the circle of life because at the first, Pierre and his horse are young, then during the story Pierre and his horse grows old and gets hit by a truck and dies. Sickness and death are normal things in human’s life. People cannot fight against nature.

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