What is the difference between a spore and a seed quizlet?

What is the difference between a spore and a seed quizlet?

Seeds have stored food to nourish a young plant while spores do not. Seeds can be spread by animals while spores are spread by wind.

What is the difference between pollen spores and seeds?

The Difference Between Seeds and Spores While seed-bearing plants like corn make pollen, spores are reproductive structures of seedless vascular plants like ferns.

How are spores different from seeds for kids?

A spore is made of just one part – a single cell – while a seed contains many cells, each with different jobs to do. Another difference is that spores only have one parent plant, while seeds have two. This means that, after a seed starts sprouting, it can grow into a plant, just like its parents.

What is the difference between a seed and a spore What are the advantages of a seed?

The main difference between spores and seeds is that spores do not contain stored food resources and require more favorable conditions for the germination whereas seeds contain stored food in their endosperm, enabling them to germinate in harsh conditions as well.

What are spores quizlet?

spores. tiny, unicellular reproductive structures that are capable of growing into new organisms under proper conditions.

Are seeds spores?

Spores vs. Seeds. One main difference between spores and seeds is that spores are single cells, while seeds are multicellular. Another way of saying this is spores are haploid, and seeds are diploid.

What is a spore and pollen?

Spores are the reproductive cells of lower plants such as mosses, liverworts, clubmosses and ferns. Pollen cells are the male sperm-bearing cells of seed-bearing plants that fertilise ovaries in cones and flowers. They are dispersed by wind, water, or insects and other animals.

What is a spore seed?

Spores are the seed-like cells that help some kinds of plants and bacteria to reproduce. Ferns and mosses reproduce using spores. Many plants reproduce by means of flowers, which make seeds. Most plants that don’t produce seeds use spores to spread themselves around.

How do seeds differ from spores?

Seeds are different from spores because seeds have endosperm which provides nourishment for a new plant, but spores do not have any stored food supplies.

What are seeds and spores?

Spore and seed are two reproductive structures. Both spore and seed should germinate in order to produce a new organism. When comparing seed and spore, spores are microscopic while seeds are macroscopic. Moreover, seeds are multicellular while spores are unicellular.

What is spore seed?

Spore is a unicellular microscopic structure while seed is a fertilized ovary which is macroscopic. Therefore, this is the key difference between spore and seed. Furthermore, spores are haploid while seeds are diploid.

What are spore plants?

A spore is the reproductive dispersal unit of lower plants such as fungi and ferns , and protozoa .

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