What is the answer to the missing dollar riddle?

What is the answer to the missing dollar riddle?

The short answer: There is no missing dollar. The men spent $27. Of which $25 went on the room and $2 went to the light fingered bell boy. You can not add the $2 the bellboy has to the $27 the men spent as this $2 actually comes out of the $27 the men spent, the other $25 going on the room.

What is the answer to the $3 riddle?

What is the answer for I had 3 dollars riddle? The answer to this riddle is $8.00/ 8 Pound.

What happened to the other pound riddle?

The solution The missing pound was never actually missing. The last sentence of the riddle says that the group paid £27 + £2 which the waiter kept. However, the bill was actually £27 including the £2 kept by the waiter (£25 for the overall bill). That’s why they each got £1 back.

Is there a 30 dollar bill?

The thirty-dollar note was the highest denomination issued during the first three years or so of Continental Currency. Notes in today’s familiar denominations are a recent phenomenon. …

How much did the store owner lose answer?

Answer To Stolen Money Riddle The best answer from the choices is the owner lost $100. The $100 bill that was stolen was then given back to the owner. What the owner loses is the $70 worth of goods and the $30 in change, which makes for a total of $70 + $30 = $100.

What is the answer to the riddle I had $5?

I had 5 dollars my mom gave me 10 riddle answer The correct answer is 10 dollars.

Where are my smart friends I had $13?

In the riddle, it mentioned in the first sentence that you had $13. Also in the fourth sentence, it is mentioned that you had another $5. So total you had $13 + $5 = $18. Therefore, I had $13 Riddle Answer is $18.

Are $2 bills still printed?

The $2 bill has not been removed from circulation and is still a circulating denomination of United States paper currency. The Series 2003 $2 bill was the last printed and bears the names of former Secretary of the Treasury John W.

What’s the answer to the guy steals $100 riddle?

So he lost another $30 in cash. Hence, the owner loses a total of $100, i.e. $70 worth of goods + $30 in change. Therefore, A Guy Steals $100 Riddle Answer is $100.

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