What is more important questions or answers?

What is more important questions or answers?

Briefly put, questions are more important than answers because questions seek to understand–to clarify and frame and evaluate while answers, at their best, are temporary responses whose relative quality can decay over time, needing to be reformed and remade and reevaluated as the world itself changes.

Is a person who asks the questions in an interview?

questioner Add to list Share. A questioner is someone who asks questions, especially in an official or formal capacity. A questioner is also an interviewer, so if you’re producing a radio piece, asking people on the street various questions, you are a questioner.

What do you call a person who keeps asking questions?

The straight up, direct answer to your question is “inquisitive”. The straight up, direct answer to your question is “inquisitive”. An inquisitive person is one given to asking questions. There are other words to call such a person but they depend on their attitude and the feelings they elicit in others.

Why is it important to ask questions in philosophy?

Epistemological questions pick out philosophical problems about the nature of our knowledge, judgments and justifications as well as our criteria for certainty, belief and evidence. These questions help us resolve uncertainties about what we know, how we know these things and what criteria we might use to judge.

Who philosopher said questions are more important than answers?

According to the ideas of Socrates as passed down to us by Plato, it is only through continual questioning and refinement of our ideas and thoughts in discussion with others that we discover the true nature of what we truly value and hold dear.

Why is asking questions important?

Types of questions we ask and answer include “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, and “why”. Answering questions involves having a child hear the question, think about the meaning of the question, understand the meaning of the question, form an answer, and speak the answer that they formed.

Is it OK to answer a question with a question?

Sometimes it is normal for a person to suddenly respond with the question when stunned by a question. For some people, this has become a habit, and they use this method so much that even if they know the answer to the question, they respond with the question first.

What do you call someone who is not afraid to ask questions?

unafraid – Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com.

What do you call a person who googles everything?

A pantomath is a person who wants to know or knows everything.

Who philosopher said that questions are more important than answers?

Who is the real father of philosophy?

Socrates of Athens (l. c. 470/469-399 BCE) is among the most famous figures in world history for his contributions to the development of ancient Greek philosophy which provided the foundation for all of Western Philosophy. He is, in fact, known as the “Father of Western Philosophy” for this reason.

Why is asking and answering questions important?

Answering and asking questions is an important part of learning. We ask questions in order to learn more information about something, and we answer questions to provide more information. Believe it or not some questions are easier to ask/answer than others.

Why is it important to ask people questions?

Questions can be like earthquakes, making people who thought they walked on stable ground suddenly look for shelter. Despite discouraging environments, our very nature suggests we should question. Humans are, at the core, introspective and curious. It’s what separates us from the animals.

Do you need an answer to every question?

Not every question needs a meaningful answer. Part of the mystery of life is that answers are so slippery, so frequently absent. If answers were straightforward, life would hold little interest. Dangerous territory?

How to become good at providing the right answers?

If you want to become good at providing the right answers, train yourself to answer lots of questions. If you want to become good at asking questions, ask a lot of them. Always question your own thoughts and work. The scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions. (attributed to Levi-Strauss)

What happens when you start questioning everything around you?

Obedience to authority, submission to the “right way” of doing things, conformity to a specific morality — all of this behavior can rattle and crumble when you start questioning everything around you. Questions can be like earthquakes, making people who thought they walked on stable ground suddenly look for shelter.

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