Table of Contents
- 1 What is a departure procedure?
- 2 Do I have to fly ODP?
- 3 When departing from an airport without an ODP or Sid How will you ensure terrain obstacle clearance until reaching a published mea?
- 4 When should I contact departure?
- 5 Is ODPs mandatory 91?
- 6 Whats the difference between a SID and an ODP?
- 7 What is standard takeoff minimums?
- 8 Do you have to accept a SID?
- 9 Do you need a manifest to land at a military airfield?
- 10 Who is responsible for issuing a mLAN for an aircraft?
What is a departure procedure?
Departure Procedures are pre-planned terminal instrument flight rule (IFR) procedures, designed for two reasons: The primary purpose is to provide obstacle clearance protection information to pilots.
Do I have to fly ODP?
Obstacle departure procedures are not mandatory unless of course, it was included with the ATC clearance. Typically the ATC clearance will not include the ODP unless the controller assigns it for separation. It is the pilot’s responsibility to avoid obstacles until at or above the minimum vectoring altitude.
When departing from an airport without an ODP or Sid How will you ensure terrain obstacle clearance until reaching a published mea?
Obstacle protection is still guaranteed, but you must follow the “non-charted procedure.” To remain within the initial climb area , you’ll need to maintain runway centerline to 400 feet (above DER). This keeps you safely clear of obstacles.
What is the 40 1 rule?
The typical objective is to provide at least 48 feet per nautical mile of clearance above what’s known as the obstacle clearance surface (OCS), an imaginary surface that rises at a 40:1 ratio—this equates to a slope rising at a rate of 152 feet per nm.
What are the two types of departure procedures?
There are two types of DPs, Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), printed either textually or graphically, and Standard Instrument Departures (SID), always printed graphically.
When should I contact departure?
When one controller is handling approach and departure the norm is to contact approach when you’re inbound to the field and departure when you’re outbound. When you’re just passing through the norm is to contact approach because these are generically known as approach control facilities.
Is ODPs mandatory 91?
“It’s true that for Part 91 pilots Obstacle Departure Procedures, or ODPs, are not mandatory. However, when flown correctly, ODPs ensure terrain and obstacle clearance. For that reason, the ODP can be a great tool for the VFR pilot, too.
Whats the difference between a SID and an ODP?
There are two types of DPs; those developed to assist pilots in obstruction avoidance, referred to as “Obstacle DP (ODP),” and those developed to communicate air traffic control clearances, referred to as “Standard Instrument Departure (SID).” DPs and/or takeoff minimums must be established for those airports with …
When would you not fly an ODP?
If an aircraft may turn in any direction from a runway within the limits of the assessment area (see paragraph 5-2-9e3) and remain clear of obstacles, that runway passes what is called a diverse departure assessment and no ODP will be published.
What is the difference between a SID and an ODP?
What is standard takeoff minimums?
Note: a quick reminder, standard takeoff minimums for one and two engine airplanes is 1-mile visibility and a 1/2 mile visibility for 3-4 engine airplanes. You have the right to decline a SID as a Part 91 pilot if you don’t want to do it.
Do you have to accept a SID?
The answer was no, you do not have to accept the SID/STAR. However, if you do, you must comply with all the restrictions as well as possess the graffical proceedure.
Do you need a manifest to land at a military airfield?
In addition, some military locations will require a complete manifest prior to issuance of final clearance to land at the airfield. For military airfields, the owning military service headquarters will issue a Prior Permission Required (PPR) number as final authorization to use the military airfield.
Can a civil aircraft be designated a foreign state aircraft?
Civil aircraft may be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for designation as a foreign state aircraft if the foreign embassy submits a formal application to the Department of State, via DCAS, requesting such designation. To make a determination, on a case-by-case basis, the DOS will consider factors such as:
When to apply for DCAS for diplomatic aircraft?
Timeliness of request – i.e., the embassy submits a DCAS application at least three business days before the aircraft is to enter U.S. airspace. The U.S. Department of State coordinates with the U.S. Department of Transportation before issuing a diplomatic clearance to an aircraft that is not part of the armed forces of a foreign country.
Who is responsible for issuing a mLAN for an aircraft?
The foreign government’s embassy is responsible for ensuring that each aircraft intending to use a military airfield or military ramp at civilian airfields has been issued a MLAN by the appropriate U.S. military service prior to the aircraft departing its home station or other location prior to entry into the United States.