What happened in chapter 15 of tomorrow when the war began?

What happened in chapter 15 of tomorrow when the war began?

By John Marsden As she drifts off to sleep, Ellie thinks about Homer and how he used to just be her friend but now she suddenly finds herself attracted to him. She also thinks about the Hermit, before turning her attention to her nightly ritual of picturing her family doing ordinary, everyday things.

How does Homer change in tomorrow when the war began?

Homer is described as a troublemaker, and he has little direction or responsibility in life before the war. Homer’s friends know him as kind of a screw up, and they don’t expect much from him. However, as soon as the war breaks out, Homer emerges as the unofficial leader of their group.

How does Ellie feel after the lawn mower incident in tomorrow when the war began?

As she gets to the part about the lawnmower and the soldiers, Ellie begins to have trouble. She just can’t believe she has killed people. She feels “permanently damaged,” like she will “never be normal again.” The soldiers exist in a weird place in Ellie’s mind.

What happened in chapter 18 of tomorrow when the war began?

By John Marsden Ellie finds herself in the throes of passion with Lee. Calling everyone to a meeting, Homer lays out some facts and options for their next step. They all decide that doing something is better than doing nothing, although they are terrified of dying.

How old is Robyn in tomorrow when the war began?

Robyn is the most noble of the characters in the Tomorrow series and the group’s moral compass. Age: 16.

Why is Homer important in tomorrow when the war began?

Homer is often the voice of reason in their group, and they each look to him for guidance. It is Homer’s suggestion to hide out in Hell after the war breaks out, and it is his plan to steal the petrol tanker and blow up the bridge.

Why are Homer and Ellie so close in Tomorrow the war began?

Homer lives just down the street from Ellie, and since Ellie doesn’t have a brother, and Homer doesn’t have a sister, they fill this void in each other’s lives. Homer and Ellie’s close relationship highlights Marsden’s argument that friends can be like family, but this closeness also complicates their relationship.

Who is Homer’s best friend in Tomorrow when the war began?

(5)One of the constants of Homer’s life is his competition with his best friend, Ellie. They compete continually and have done so all their lives. (6)At the same time, Ellie really is the best friend he has in the world, someone who respects and admires him, a respect and admiration that he returns.

How did Homer change in when the war began?

Ellie describes Homer’s transformation into a responsible adult as one of the greatest surprises of her life, which speaks to just how much Homer changes during the war. Homer’s ability to step up and lead the group underscores Marsden’s claim that young people are capable of profound change and maturity, especially in times of great stress.

Why did Homer want to hide out in Hell?

Homer is often the voice of reason in their group, and they each look to him for guidance. It is Homer’s suggestion to hide out in Hell after the war breaks out, and it is his plan to steal the petrol tanker and blow up the bridge.

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