What does the httpd conf file do?

What does the httpd conf file do?

The httpd. conf file is the main configuration file for the Apache web server. A lot options exist, and it’s important to read the documentation that comes with Apache for more information on different settings and parameters.

What is server conf file?

The server configuration file is used to customize the server. The default configuration file in $NETSOLVE_ROOT/server_config should be used as a template to create new configuration files. This configuration file is organized as follows.

What is better Apache or nginx?

NGINX performs 2.5 times faster than Apache according to a benchmark test performed by running up to 1,000 simultaneous connections. Another benchmark running with 512 simultaneous connections, showed that NGINX is about twice as fast and consumed less memory.

Is apache2 Conf the same as httpd conf?

httpd. conf is deprecated and you should NOT see it anymore – if you do, leave it empty as installed. apache2. conf is still installed, but leave it alone if you wish to upgrade Apache cleanly/easily.

What module is CacheSize used with?

CacheSize Directive

Description: The maximum amount of disk space that will be used by the cache in KBytes
Default: CacheSize 1000000
Context: server config, virtual host
Status: Experimental
Module: mod_disk_cache

What is Apache configuration?

Apache is configured by placing directives in plain text configuration files. The main configuration file is usually called httpd. conf . Any directive may be placed in any of these configuration files. Changes to the main configuration files are only recognized by Apache when it is started or restarted.

How does a config file work?

In computer science, configuration files provide the parameters and initial settings for the operating system and some computer applications. Configuration files are usually written in ASCII encoding and contain all necessary data about the specific application, computer, user or file.

Does Google use Apache?

Google Web Server (GWS) is proprietary web server software that Google uses for its web infrastructure. In May, 2015, GWS was ranked as the fourth most popular web server on the internet after Apache, nginx and Microsoft IIS, powering an estimated 7.95% of active websites. …

What exactly is Apache?

Apache is the most widely used web server software. Developed and maintained by Apache Software Foundation, Apache is an open source software available for free. It runs on 67% of all webservers in the world. It is fast, reliable, and secure. Most WordPress hosting providers use Apache as their web server software.

How to work with the Apache configuration file?

Working with the Apache configuration file 1 The location of the Apache configuration file. If you installed Apache from source it is likely located in /usr/local or /opt, though the config files may have been moved to 2 mods-enabled and sites-enabled. 3 Storing Passenger configuration snippets. 4 See also

What does Apache httpd.conf file consist of?

Both the files contain Global SSL configuration and SSL certificate data. It states the user and group ID under which Apache runs. It consists of virtual host configuration data. The httpd.conf is a configuration file. It is used by the Apache HTTP Server. Apache server looks at this file for different configuration properties.

How many directives are in an Apache configuration file?

Apache configuration files contain one directive per line. The backslash “\\” may be used as the last character on a line to indicate that the directive continues onto the next line. There must be no other characters or white space between the backslash and the end of the line.

Do you have to edit Apache configuration file to install passenger?

If you want to install Passenger in its Apache integration mode then you will reach a point where you have to edit Apache the configuration file. This page provides information for those who are not familiar with how the Apache configuration file and its related directories are organized.

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