What does the Bible say about expecting the unexpected?

What does the Bible say about expecting the unexpected?

Ephesians 3:20 – Hope – Expect the unexpected “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” The Message.

Is God works in mysterious ways in the Bible?

“God Moves in a Mysterious Way” is a Christian hymn, written in 1773 by William Cowper from England….

God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Published 1774
365 in NEH 445 in Common Praise 373 in HAM 677 in The Hymnal 1982 434 in PsH 128 in Trinity Hymnal 73 in BH 412 in NCH 483 in LBW 765 in LSB 546 in LW 65 in WR

What are examples of blessings?

Blessing is defined as God’s favor, or a person’s sanction or support, or something you ask God for, or something for which you are grateful. When God looks down upon you and protects you, this is an example of God’s blessing. When a father OKs a marriage proposal, this is an example of when he gives his blessing.

What does expect unexpected?

Filters. To not be surprised by an unusual event. Anything could happen, and probably will. 19.

What are spiritual storms?

A spiritual storm has some of the same characteristics. The most highly visible difference is that soon the physical storm has passed. A spiritual storm, one may have to weather it much longer. It won’t be over until God say that it is. During this time we must praise, pray, and persevere.

Is God’s presence always with us?

Face to Face with God He is God Himself, and He comes to live in us when we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. As believers, we have direct access to God’s presence. We can speak with Him like speaking to a friend any time we want to, because He’s right there with us and in us.

Is cleanliness is next to godliness in the Bible?

Contrary to what many believe, the phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” is not from the Bible. Many people relate this phrase to the Bible due to the fact that it is very often heard in Christian homes. In reality, the phrase is a very old proverb believed to be found in the Babylonian and Hebrew religious tracts.

Why do we get unexpected blessings from God?

Unexpected Blessings are life’s blessings. They are a way for God to remind us that He will NEVER call us to do something that he does NOT provide the way for us to accomplish it. I don’t know about you but I have always been a get it done don’t ask for help kinda girl.

Are there any unexpected blessings from God at Thanksgiving?

Most of us remember to count our usual blessings from God, especially at times like Thanksgiving. But here are at least eight unexpected blessings we could overlook. You could probably list even more. Let me explain:

What does the Bible say about being blessed?

This revolutionary idea of blessing is also firmly established in Scripture. One translation of the New Testament (ESV) has 112 references with the words bless, blessing, or blessed, none of which connects blessing to material prosperity. Consider these passages:

What does it mean to feel blessed on social media?

Feeling blessed is in vogue. A quick look at Facebook and Twitter shows how many people today feel #blessed. In our social-media world, saying you’re blessed can be a way of boasting while trying to sound humble. College scholarship? #Blessed.

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