What does Lin stand for on a floor plan?

What does Lin stand for on a floor plan?

Linen cupboard
HTR — Heater. HW — Hot water unit or tank. KIT — Kitchen. LIN — Linen cupboard. LTG — Lighting.

What is a LIN room?

A linen closet in or near the bathroom will be marked as linen or lc or lin. Moving down a hallway, which is depicted by two solid parallel lines, you will find bedrooms.

What is property line in floor plan?

Property lines are called out around the exterior of the lot. Surrounding infrastructure and buildings play an important role in shaping your design. Make sure to include all those dimensions on your plan. Issues like zoning, building height, and fire hazards are determined by what goes on around the site.

What is ODU in floor plan?

ODU or Outdoor Unit in floor plan is nothing but a representation of the location of the outdoor unit of air conditioning in the house. You must know that an outdoor unit in AC is located in the rear or side of your house and it is where the heat from inside your home is dispersed.

What are the elements of a floor plan?

Doors and windows are elements found on every floor plan, and stairs are almost as common. Doors appear as gaps in a wall, often with an arc showing the way the door should swing. Windows are similar, appearing as narrow boxes in walls. Stairs are depicted most often as a series of rectangles.

What do you see in a floor plan?

It is drawn in what’s called a plan view, as if you’re looking down through an invisible roof into the building. A floor plan typically shows structural elements such as walls, doors, windows, and stairs, as well as mechanical equipment for the plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems.

How are objects represented on a floor plan?

Tubs, stoves, sinks, and stairs are familiar examples. These can appear along with built-in elements of interior design, like appliances, islands, cabinets, and bookshelves. Objects and dimensions are also represented on a floor plan by solid lines or dotted lines of different weights and styles.

What do stairs look like in a floor plan?

Stairs symbols Like the rest of the plan, stairs are seen in a two-dimensional perspective from above. They look like a series of attached rectangles (usually) or other geometric forms. Some plans may show stairs bisected by a line with an arrow at one end to indicate which direction is up (ascending).

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