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What does a French school schedule look like?
School routine Generally speaking, the school day in France is from 8:30 until 4:30, but it varies depending on which area you live in. This is longer than the typical school day in the UK or America, but there is a longer lunch break and two other breaks during the day. There are 24 hours of lessons a week.
How many periods are in a French school day?
The school year in France is separated by five periods of schooling and four holiday periods, comprising at least 36 weeks of study. As a general rule, in maternity and primary schools, each week comprises 4.5 days of schooling, with the half-day each Wednesday (in a small number of cases, Saturday morning).
What is the school system like in France?
The French education system consists of three stages: primary education, secondary education, and higher education. Most French elementary and secondary schools, as well as a large number of universities, are public institutions that have highly centralized administrations.
Do French schools have homework?
Homework is officially banned in French primary schools, and has been since 1956. But many teachers ignore this and send children home with exercises to do.
What do French times tables say?
Telling time in French
What time is it? | Quelle heure est-il? | |
It’s 5 p.m. | Il est cinq heures de l’après-midi Il est dix-sept heures | 17h00 |
It’s 8 p.m. | Il est huit heures du soir Il est vingt heures | 20h00 |
It’s noon | Il est midi | 12h00 |
It’s midnight | Il est minuit | 0h00 |
Is timetable masculine or feminine in French?
The French translation for “the timetable; the schedule” is l’horaire. The French, l’horaire, can be broken down into 2 parts:”the (masculine, before a vowel sound)” (l’) and “timetable; schedule” (horaire).
How many days a week do French students go to school?
four days
French children go to school four days a week. They have about two hours each day for lunch. And they have more vacation than their counterparts almost anywhere in the West. It may sound a bit like the famously leisurely work pace enjoyed by their parents, most of whom work 35 hours per week as dictated by law.
Do the French eat slow?
The French take at least one hour to eat their lunch—up to two hours if they’re eating with friends. Eating at a slow, leisurely pace has made me appreciate my meals so much more.
When do French kids go to middle school?
After elementary school, French kids start what we call “l’enseignement secondaire”. It starts with “le collège” – Middle School. Kids usually attend Middle school in France from age 11 to 16. Some kind of formal education is compulsory in France till 16. La sixième (11 ans) = 6th grade (Year 7 UK).
What’s the difference between Australian and French timetables?
The French timetable generally utilises 24 hour time to indicate the time of each lesson, however, the Australian timetable uses periods (e.g period 1, period 2). Also, the French uses a one-week cycle whereas Australians use a fortnightly system of classes.
How long does it take to go to school in France?
The school week in France Students go to school between 24 and 28 hours a week, spread over four, four and a half, or five days depending on the region. Students preparing the baccalauréat may have as many as 40 hours per week. Some schools close on Wednesday afternoons and older pupils may have lessons on a Saturday.
What are the three stages of Education in France?
After nursery school or kindergarten ( école maternelle ), which is optional, the French compulsory education system is divided into three stages or ‘cycles’: 1 primary school ( école) 2 middle school ( collège) 3 high school ( lycée)