What do you write on the inside of a cootie catcher?

What do you write on the inside of a cootie catcher?

Any square piece of paper can be made into a Cootie Catcher.

  1. Fold two corners together and crease firmly.
  2. unfold.
  3. Fold each corner point into the center.
  4. flip it over and fold all four of these corners into the center.
  5. Under the inside flaps, you have to write a fortune or prediction.

What can I write in a fortune teller?

What are some good fortunes to put in a fortune teller?

  1. You will get an “A” on a test.
  2. You will be rich.
  3. Good fortune will be yours.
  4. You will have many friends.
  5. Do a good deed today.
  6. Someone will call you today.
  7. You will go to a party soon.
  8. Be careful on Tuesday.

How do you fill a cootie catcher?

I also included ideas of what you can put inside your cootie catchers to have hours of fun….It’s time to fill in your cootie catcher:

  1. On top of the flaps, write a number.
  2. Then, open each flap and write a fortune or prediction.
  3. Finally, on the outside flaps, write the name of a color.

What is another name for cootie catcher?

You may have known the device by another name— “fortune teller” is the most common alternative, though certain regions also favor salt-cellar, whirlybird, chatterbox, or snapdragon, among others.

What is the name of the folded paper game?

This paper-folding activity is also known as a form of origami, from the Japanese words “oru” (to fold) and “kami” (paper). Yet the chatterbox is now played all over the world, with different names in each country, such as the “flip flapper” in Denmark.

What can you write on a cootie catcher?

Create your own customized cootie catcher with a blank printable. Once you have downloaded, printed, and folded the craft, you can write in fortunes, riddles, games, or your choice of message on the inside.

How do you open a fortune teller on the cootie catcher?

The player will choose a number and you will open the fortune teller message by using your fingers inside the cootie catcher pockets. You should move your fingers up and down as well as side to side in order to reveal the message.

What can you do with a shark cootie catcher?

These shark cootie catchers double as puppets. If the kids want their own animals, there are other creatures to choose from, too, including tigers, peacocks, and unicorns. Not all cootie catchers tell your fortune.

Is there a Harry Potter cootie catcher printable?

“Harry Potter” fans will love this Sorting Hat-themed cootie catcher printable. This fortune teller will decide which Hogwarts house you should belong to Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

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