What do you call an element of a story which is a person or animal that takes part in the action of a short story?

What do you call an element of a story which is a person or animal that takes part in the action of a short story?

A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work. The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting.

What is an individual in a literary work is called?

Character. An Individual in a literary work of fiction, drama, or narrative poem. A main character is central to the story and is typically fully characterized.

What is the term for a person or an animal who takes part in the action of a literary work?

Character​– person or an animal that take part in the action of a literary work.

What is the definition of characterization in literature?

Characterization is a literary device that is used step-by-step in literature to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. After introducing the character, the writer often talks about his behavior; then, as the story progresses, the thought-processes of the character.

What do you call an element of a story which is a person?

These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow. CHARACTERS. The characters are the individuals that the story is about.

What do you call to the central or main character of a story?

The protagonist of a story is sometimes called the main character. The protagonist of a story is opposed by an antagonist.

What do you call the person animal things or creators doing the action in the story?

Answer: a person, animal, or creature who takes part in the action of a literary work. Main characters are the most important in the story, poem, or play.

Can you refer to anything as a creature?

You can refer to any living thing that is not a plant as a creature, especially when it is of an unknown or unfamiliar kind. People also refer to imaginary animals and beings as creatures . The Inuit of Alaska believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.

Which is the best definition of the word animal?

1. an animal, esp. a nonhuman. 2. any unspecific being: creatures of the imagination. 3. person; human being: a lovely creature. 4. a person under the control or influence of another. [1250–1300; Middle English < Late Latin creātūra act of creating.

What is the definition of a character in a story?

A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot line.

Which is an antonym for the word creature?

Near Antonyms for creature. animal, beast, beastie, brute, critter. 2 one of the lower animals as distinguished from human beings. a saint who is celebrated for his love of birds and other small creatures.

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