What did the Council of Trent decide about the selling of indulgences?

What did the Council of Trent decide about the selling of indulgences?

The XXV session of Trent affirmed Church authority to issue indulgences and condemned “those who assert that they [indulgences] are useless or who deny that the Church has the power to grant them.” The council did eliminate the misuse and the so-called selling of indulgences which Martin Luther (and others) found …

What did the Council of Trent reject?

The date given for the Council of Trent is 1545-1563. The three outcomes of the Council of Trent where that is established a confession of faith and supremacy of the Papcy, it condemned the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith, and it rejected the Protestant view of Scripture alone.

What reforms were passed by the Council of Trent?

The reforms that the Council of Trent introduced were the removal of indulgences, bishops were forced to move to their dioceses which would help them more effectively discipline popular religious practices, priests were supposed to dress nicer and more educated, and the Church created seminaries.

What was the main decision of the Council of Trent?

The sale of Church offices was stopped. It condemned and prohibited Sale of Indulgences. Seminars were to be started for imparting education and training to priests. The Church should not charge any fees for conducting religious services; sermons should be preached in the language of the people.

Which Catholic views did the council try to reinforce?

Important members of the Catholic Church met in Trento three times between 13 December 1545 and 4 December 1563, in reaction to the Protestant Reformation. It reinforced Catholic doctrine regarding salvation, the sacraments, and the Biblical canon, answering all Protestant disputes.

What three actions were taken by the Council of Trent?

Answer: 1 denounced the supremacy of the pope in the Catholic Church. – 2condemned sola fide. -3 allowed the translation of the Bible into other languages.

What was the practice of selling indulgences who protested it?

Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice? Clergy members bought indulgences to reach higher offices. The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.

What did the Council of Trent achieve quizlet?

The Council of Trent addressed church reform and rejected Protestantism, defined the role and canon of scripture and the seven sacraments, and strengthened clerical discipline in education. What is the Counter Reformation or Catholic Reformation?

What was the Council of Trent and what did it accomplish quizlet?

The Council of Trent lasted 18 years, from 1545 to 1563. The Council of Trent addressed church reform and rejected Protestantism, defined the role and canon of scripture and the seven sacraments, and strengthened clerical discipline in education.

What were the two main goals of the Council of Trent?

What was the main goal of the Council of Trent? The main goal of the Council of Trent was to try and reform the Catholic church, and reconcile with Protestants. What two Protestant parties did not attend the Council of Trent?

What is the Council of Trent most known for?

The council abolished some of the most notorious abuses and introduced or recommended disciplinary reforms affecting the sale of indulgences, the morals of convents, the education of the clergy, the non-residence of bishops (also bishops having plurality of benefices, which was fairly common), and the careless …

Which of the following did the Council of Trent affirm or reaffirm?

The Council of Trent The Council of Trent (1545–1563) reaffirmed the equal authority of Scripture and of Church tradition. The results of the council were that the Church Jan 01, 2005 · The Council of Trent was the council of the Roman Catholic Church that met between 1545 and 1563 at Trent in S Tyrol.

What did the XXV Session of the Council of Trent do?

The XXV session of Trent affirmed Church authority to issue indulgences and condemned “those who assert that they [indulgences] are useless or who deny that the Church has the power to grant them.” The council did eliminate the misuse and the so-called selling of indulgences which Martin Luther (and others) found repugnant.

When did the sale of indulgences end in the Catholic Church?

While reasserting the place of indulgences in the salvific process, the Council of Trent condemned “all base gain for securing indulgences” in 1563, and Pope Pius V abolished the sale of indulgences in 1567. The system and its underlying theology otherwise remained intact.

How did the Council of Trent change the Catholic Church?

The Council of Trent and the Reform of the Church. While Church fathers at Trent clarified but did not change Catholic teachings, they did make many lasting reforms in the organization and administration of the Church. These reforms included: – Ending the practices of simony, nepotism and pluralism.

Why was indulgence important to the Protestant church?

Protestantism: The indulgence system. The church’s anthropology and soteriology (doctrine of salvation) allowed a system of indulgences to develop. Based on the notion that Jesus and the saints had built up a treasury of merit that could be shared with worthy Christians, the indulgence at first applied….

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