What career cluster is athletes in?

What career cluster is athletes in?

Basketball Players and other athletes are under the career cluster Marketing, Sales and Services.

What career cluster does gaming fall under?

Interactive Media Career Path Examples of jobs in this cluster include computer and video game designers, graphic designers, multimedia sound workers, and webmasters.

What are examples of career clusters?

What are the 16 career clusters?

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
  • Architecture and Construction.
  • Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications.
  • Business, Management and Administration.
  • Education and Training.
  • Finance.
  • Hospitality and Tourism.
  • Human Services.

What are your top 5 career clusters?

Career Clusters

  • Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
  • Architecture and Construction.
  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.
  • Business, Management, and Administration.
  • Education and Training.
  • Energy.
  • Finance.
  • Government and Public Administration.

What career cluster is a paleontologist in?

Paleontology is a subspecialty of geology or, less commonly, of botany, zoology, or physical anthropology. In college, you will major in geology or biology.

What cluster would a doctor have?

Health Science Save Table (XLS/CSV)

Sort by: Career Pathway Code Occupation
Therapeutic Services 29-1126.00 Respiratory Therapists
Therapeutic Services 29-1127.00 Speech-Language Pathologists
Therapeutic Services 29-1229.06 Sports Medicine Physicians
Therapeutic Services 29-1249.00 Surgeons, All Other

What are the 17 career clusters?

Career Clusters

  • Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources.
  • Architecture & Construction.
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communications.
  • Business Management & Administration.
  • Education & Training.
  • Finance.
  • Government & Public Administration.
  • Health Science.

What are the six main career clusters?

All careers fall into one of six career fields….Engineering, Manufacturing, & Technology

  • Architecture & Construction.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Science, Engineering, Technology, & Mathematics.
  • Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics.

What career cluster is zookeeper in?

Animal Care and Animal Science Careers: Animal Caretakers.

What career cluster is a microbiologist in?

Biotechnology Research and Development Career Path Examples of careers in biotechnology research and development are biochemists, microbiologists, pharmacists, research assistants, and toxicologists.

What career cluster is EMT in?

Health Science Save Table (XLS/CSV)

Sort by: Career Pathway Code Occupation
Therapeutic Services 29-2051.00 Dietetic Technicians
Therapeutic Services 29-1031.00 Dietitians and Nutritionists
Therapeutic Services 29-1214.00 Emergency Medicine Physicians
Therapeutic Services 29-1128.00 Exercise Physiologists

Who developed the 16 career clusters?

the U.S. Department of Education
The 16 career clusters are broad groups of careers and industries created by the U.S. Department of Education to organize career and technical education programs.

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