What can happen when a base changes in DNA?

What can happen when a base changes in DNA?

Although a base substitution alters only a single codon in a gene, it can still have a significant impact on protein production. In fact, depending on the nature of the codon change, base substitutions can lead to three different subcategories of mutations.

What effect does a single base change in a gene have on a cell?

A single base change can create a devastating genetic disorder or a beneficial adaptation, or it might have no effect.

How would a change in DNA affect a cell?

A gene mutation can affect the cell in many ways. Some mutations stop a protein from being made at all. Others may change the protein that is made so that it no longer works the way it should or it may not even work at all. Some mutations may cause a gene to be turned on, and make more of the protein than usual.

How does pH affect cell growth?

Maximum growth occurred over a pH range of 7.38 to 7.87. Cell growth declined precipitously on the alkaline side and more gradually on the acid side of the optimal pH range. Although alkalosis depressed the 3 day cell population, cells exposed to a pH of 8.0 to 8.2 grew at the maximal rate for the first 12 to 24 hours.

What effect would this accidental change in the base sequences of the DNA molecule have on DNA replication?

What effect would an accidental change in the base sequence of the DNA molecule have on DNA Replication? The base wont match the original. The DNA would not match the original and is not correct.

How do base analogs cause mutations?

Once in place, these analogs have pairing properties unlike those of the normal bases; thus, they can produce mutations by causing incorrect nucleotides to be inserted opposite them in replication.

How might a single base substitution in the sequence of a gene affect the amino acid sequence?

A missense mutation is when the change of a single base pair causes the substitution of a different amino acid in the resulting protein. This amino acid substitution may have no effect, or it may render the protein nonfunctional.

What would happen if there was a substitution of one base for another in one of the mRNA codons?

What would happen if there was a substitution of one base for another in one of the mRNA codons? Substitutions would affect just that one amino acid. A substitution in the first or second position would affect the amino acid being called for.

How might a single base substitution in the sequence?

A gene from an organism can theoretically be expressed by any other organism. How might a single base substitution in the sequence of a gene affect the amino acid sequence of a protein encoded by the gene? Only a single amino acid could change, because the reading frame would be unaffected.

Why might a change in intracellular pH be damaging to cells?

A change in pH of body fluids can have a profound effect on cells. When the pH in body fluids drops too low, the body begins to suffer from acidosis and when it rises too high, the condition is called alkalosis. Acidosis or alkalosis can be caused by disease or diet.

How does acid affect cells?

Acid injury to the esophageal epithelium involves the ability of H+ to enter the cytoplasm of the esophageal epithelial cell. This damage leads to an influx of H+ and acidification of the intercellular space. Acidification of the intercellular space in turn acidifies the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cell.

What impact could the synthesis of new DNA base pairs have on genetics?

Adding letters to DNA could also have more down-to-earth applications. With more diversity in the genetic building blocks, scientists could potentially create RNA or DNA sequences that can do things better than the standard four letters, including functions beyond genetic storage.

How does a change in the sequence of bases affect a gene?

The sequence of the bases determines the gene and its function. Mutations involve changes in the arrangement of the bases that make up a gene. Even a change in just one base among the thousands of bases that make up a gene can have a major effect.

How can mutations affect protein synthesis in cells?

A gene mutation can affect the cell in many ways. Some mutations stop a protein from being made at all. Others may change the protein that is made so that it no longer works the way it should or it may not even work at all. Some mutations may cause a gene to be turned on, and make more of the protein than usual.

How are genes and gene activity changed in cells?

Other ways cells change genes and gene activity. Histone proteins can be changed by adding (or subtracting) something called an acetyl group. Adding acetyl groups (acetylation) can activate (turn on) that part of the chromosome, while taking them away (deacetylation) can deactivate it (turn it off).

Why do cells need to maintain an acid-base balance?

Importance: Many chemical reactions in living cells involve exchanges of hydrogen ions. Because changes in acidity can affect both the structure and chemical reactivity of cellular molecules, cells must constantly maintain an acid-base balance. Questions: How do we quantify acidity?

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