What are some synonyms of escape?

What are some synonyms of escape?


  • breakout.
  • departure.
  • desertion.
  • disappearance.
  • flight.
  • freedom.
  • liberation.
  • outbreak.

How do you say escape in slang?

  1. run away,
  2. escape,
  3. flee,
  4. abscond,
  5. decamp,
  6. make a break (for it),
  7. do a runner (slang),
  8. run for it,

What is another way to say escape from reality?

What is another word for escapism?

daydreaming dreaming
romance vision
avoidance distraction
diversion entertainment
escape relaxation

What is the adjective for escape?

escaped. Having escaped, especially from prison or another place of confinement.

What escape means?

escape, avoid, evade, elude, shun, eschew mean to get away or keep away from something. escape stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent.

What is the best synonym for escape?


  • break out (of),
  • clear out,
  • flee,
  • fly,
  • get out,
  • lam,
  • run away,
  • run off.

How would you describe an escape from reality?

a defensive reaction involving the use of fantasy as a means of avoiding conflicts and problems of daily living.

What’s the meaning of elusion?

Elusion is the act of successfully hiding or escaping from someone. Your cat’s elusion makes it hard to find her when it’s time to take her to the vet. When you avoid being found or caught, that’s elusion. Playing hide and seek is all about elusion, as is being a successful prison escapee.

What is the verb of escape?

Verb. escape, avoid, evade, elude, shun, eschew mean to get away or keep away from something. escape stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent.

What type of verb is escape?

2[intransitive, transitive] to get away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation escape (from something) She managed to escape from the burning car.

What is the verb of to escape or avoid?

to elude; escape: The solution evaded him. verb (used without object), e·vad·ed, e·vad·ing. to avoid doing or fulfilling something. to elude or get away from someone or something by craft or slyness; escape.

What is the definition of the word skedaddle?

It means to scatter, or drop in a scattering way. If you run with a bucket of potatoes or apples, and keep spilling some of them in an irregular way along the path, you are said to skedaddle them.” The word came into US military slang during the Civil War. Country and Scottish word, scaddle, as old as the 15th century.

How to use positive and negative connotations in a sentence?

In the positive and negative connotation example sentences below, you’ll be able to take a look at both sides of the coin. Words can cut or they can empower you. Imagine the tone in the delivery in the sentences below. Some will come off as rude or snobbish.

Is the word escapism a good or bad thing?

The word escapism tends to carry a negative connotation with it, assuming that people who seek a break from their standard reality are being irresponsible and avoiding “real life.” Escapism can be a harmful thing if the method of escape is inherently harmful (such as using drugs) or if it gets out of hand.

Is the word’eloquent’a positive or negative connotation?

A word like “eloquent” has a clear denotation — a person who is capable of clear expression — but it can also have a positive connotation as well, that of someone whose speech indicates intelligence. A connotation of any kind, either a positive or negative connotation, typically stems from how a word is used in a particular society.

How does the connotation of a word affect you?

The connotation of certain words will affect not only how you feel about what’s being said, but also how you feel about the person using the words. These pairs of positive and negative sentences will show you how words that are actually synonyms for each other can come across as warm, neutral, or very cold.

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