Is thoroughly a real word?

Is thoroughly a real word?

thoroughly adverb (VERY GREATLY)

Is it thoroughly or throughly?

Throughly, commonly spelled thoroughly, is defined as done completely. An example of throughly is a science project that underwent the entire scientific method and reached conclusive results.

What does thoroughly mean?

: in a complete or thorough manner Police thoroughly searched the crime scene for clues.

How do you use the word thoroughly?

Thoroughly Sentence Examples

  1. I promised you I’d investigate this as thoroughly as I could.
  2. The climate is thoroughly continental.
  3. Never had she felt such an intense and thoroughly delightful emotion.
  4. Jackson thoroughly enjoyed watching her.
  5. Yet he thoroughly believed in honesty and the like virtues.

What term means carefully and thoroughly?

1 cautious in attitude or action; prudent. 2 painstaking in one’s work; thorough.

When something is done thoroughly?

executed without negligence or omissions: a thorough search. complete; perfect; utter: thorough enjoyment. extremely attentive to accuracy and detail; painstaking: a thorough worker; a thorough analysis.

What is antonyms of thoroughly?

antonyms for thoroughly

  • incompletely.
  • little.
  • partially.
  • partly.
  • deficiently.
  • inadequately.
  • inexhaustively.
  • superficially.

What does the word Theral mean?

complete; perfect; utter: thorough enjoyment. extremely attentive to accuracy and detail; painstaking: a thorough worker; a thorough analysis.

What is a better word for carefully?

anxiously, attentively, conscientiously, correctly, deliberately, delicately, discreetly, faithfully, fully, gingerly, laboriously, meticulously, precisely, prudently, rigorously, scrupulously, thoroughly, thoughtfully, warily, circumspectly.

What is synonym for carefully?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for carefully. conscientiously, meticulously, scrupulously.

What can I say instead of thoroughly?

Synonyms & Antonyms of thoroughly

  • completely,
  • comprehensively,
  • detailedly,
  • exhaustively,
  • fully,
  • inside out,
  • minutely,
  • roundly,

What is the meaning of throughout in English?

English Language Learners Definition of throughout (Entry 2 of 2) : in or to every part : from the beginning to the end : during the whole time or situation See the full definition for throughout in the English Language Learners Dictionary

Which is the best definition of the adverb throughoutly?

adverb. Completely, thoroughly, in all respects; = “throughout”.

Which is the best definition of the word thoroughly?

Definition of thoroughly. : in a complete or thorough manner Police thoroughly searched the crime scene for clues.

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