Is regular Coke denser than Diet Coke?

Is regular Coke denser than Diet Coke?

Diet drinks are less dense than their regular counterparts because the sweetener added to them is “sweeter” than sugar. Less of the artificial sweetener is necessary to make a diet cola taste as sweet as a regular cola, so the final density is less.

Why is regular Coke more dense?

While both beverages contain mostly water, the regular Coke has a lot of sugar (or dense corn syrup) dissolved in it—roughly 39 grams per can. This makes the density of the Coke liquid greater than that of pure water, so the regular Coke sinks.

Is regular Coke more dense than water?

The difference in the amount of dissolved sweeteners leads to a difference in density. Cans of regular soda tend to be more dense than water, so they sink. Cans of diet soda are usually less dense than water, so they float.

Does a Coke can float?

Coke and Diet Coke cans have the same amount of liquid in them. But Diet Coke cans float and regular Coke cans sink. This is because Coke is a denser fluid than Diet Coke.

Does Coke weigh more than water?

Because the two cans exhibit identical shapes and sizes, they displace equal amounts of water when submerged. But the fact that the can of Coke sinks means it must weigh more than the amount of water it displaces, whereas the can of Diet Coke weighs less.

What is the mass of a Coke can?

about 384 g.
Each can of regular Coke currently on hand has a mass of about 384 g. The difference that this represents with respect to the density of water – about 1.0% – is enough to sink the can.

Why does coke sink but Diet Coke floats?

Due to the difference in density, the can with the sugar in it sinks while the diet can floats. For a further refinement, mix in a bunch of salt–the density of the salt water increases enough that the sugared coke now floats.

What is the density of Pepsi?

1.021 g mL-1
Overall, cans of Diet Pepsi had an average density of 0.975 g mL-1, cans of Diet Coke averaged 0.980 g mL-1, cans of regular Coke averaged 1.009 g mL-1, and cans of regular Pepsi averaged 1.021 g mL-1.

Why does the regular coke sink and the Diet Coke float?

What is the mass of a can of Coke Zero?

about 355 g.
It therefore consists almost entirely of water and the can’s contents therefore weigh about 355 g. This difference in weight makes the can of Diet Coke sufficiently buoyant to float.

How do you find the density of a Coke can?

Example: Calculate the density in g/mL of Diet Coke if a 355 mL can weighs 355.1 g. The above calculations make the asumption that the weight of the aluminum can is constant….

Comparison of:
Classic Coke Diet Coke
355 mL 355 mL
Water = 355 g Water = 355 g
Sugar = 39 g Sugar = 0 g

How heavy is a can of soda?

Now (2016) empty aluminum 12 oz soda cans weigh about 0.5 ounce (14.7 gram).

What is the density of a can of Diet Coke?

Coke contains about 325 mL of water, with a density of 1.0 g/mL, and 39 g of sugar. The contents of the can therefore weigh 325 g + 39 g = 364 g. The can of Diet Coke, however, contains only 0.3 g of aspartame. It therefore consists almost entirely of water and the can’s contents therefore weigh about 355 g.

How much does a 355 ml can of coke weigh?

in g/mL of Classic Coke if a 355 mL can weighs 394 g.

Which is more dense diet soda or regular soda?

The density of a can of regular soda is just over 1 gm/cc, while that of a can of diet soda is just under. This makes for a dramatic display of density differences. A 12-oz can of regular soda will sink in the same container of water in which the same brand of diet soda floats. What is more dense Coke or Diet Coke?

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