How much is 500 grams to cups?

How much is 500 grams to cups?


Grams Cups
300g 1¼ cups
400g 1½ cups + 3 tbsp
500g 2 cups + 1 tbsp

How many cups is 100g white rice?

The answer is: The change of 1 100g ( – 100 grams portion ) unit in a white medium rice measure equals = into 0.50 cup ( Metric cup ) as in the equivalent measure and for the same white medium rice type.

How much is 100 grams of rice in cups?

The answer is: The change of 1 100g ( – 100 grams portion ) unit in a white long rice measure equals = into 0.51 cup ( Metric cup ) as in the equivalent measure and for the same white long rice type.

How many grams is a cup of rice?

Round short rice weight volume chart:
Cup Gram Ounce
2/3 133.3g 4.7 oz
3/4 155g 5.29 oz
1 200g 7.05 oz

How many grams is a cup of cooked rice?

First of all, a cup is a unit of volume rather than weight. A cup of raw, uncooked, rice will weigh about 180 grams. A cup of cooked rice, that’s been boiled or steamed, will weigh about 200 grams. Why this is interesting is when you look at factors such as calorie count for each cup.

How many cups is 130 grams of rice?


Basmati rice weight volume chart:
Cup Gram Ounce
1/2 97.5g 3.44 oz
5/8 121.88g 4.3 oz
2/3 130g 4.59 oz

How many grams is a cup of uncooked rice?

Common ingredient measures

Ingredient Amount g
rice, arborio rice, uncooked 1 cup 220g
rice, long grain, basmati, uncooked 1 cup 210g
rice, long grain, brown, uncooked 1 cup 210g
rice, sushi rice, uncooked 1 cup 225g

How many cups is 200 grams of rice?

What is 2 cups of cooked rice?

Rice Conversions & Equivalents

1 cup uncooked white rice yields 3 cups of cooked white rice
1 cup (180 grams) uncooked rice serves 3 persons
2 cups (360 grams) uncooked rice serves 6 persons
Assuming 1/2 cup of cooked rice per person.
¾ cup (96 grams) uncooked rice serves 4 persons

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