How long is it from Nakuru to Nairobi by road?

How long is it from Nakuru to Nairobi by road?

Nakuru is located around 137 KM away from Nairobi so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Nairobi in 3 hours and 9 minutes. Your Nairobi travel time may vary due to your bus speed, train speed or depending upon the vehicle you use.

How many km is it from Nairobi to Nakuru?

Distance between Nairobi and Nakuru is 139 KM / 86.9 miles.

How much is a taxi from Nairobi to Nakuru?

Taxi fare from Nairobi to Nakuru in Nairobi, costs around Shilling2064.

How long does it take from Nakuru to Nairobi by bus?

What companies run services between Nakuru, Kenya and Nairobi, Kenya? You can take a bus from Nakuru to Nairobi via Naivasha in around 3h 3m.

How long is Nairobi to Mombasa?

The distance between Nairobi and Mombasa is 442 km. The road distance is 483.6 km.

How long is Meru from Nairobi?

Yes, the driving distance between Nairobi to Meru is 224 km. It takes approximately 3h 22m to drive from Nairobi to Meru.

How much is Wasili?

Wasili Cab services offers affordable services with the minimum charge of Sh150 per trip. This has given the cabs a competitive advantage over other means of transport such as tuktuks, motorcycles and other taxis that operate in the town.

Is there a train from Nairobi to Nakuru?

2. Re: Nairobi to Nakuru – Shuttle or Train? Yep – take the Mololine Express Matatu (14 Seater Nissan Minivan) from town.

How long is Kisumu from Nairobi?

The distance between Nairobi and Kisumu is 264 km. The road distance is 344.8 km.

Is there Uber in Nakuru?

“We remain optimistic about the business opportunity in Kenya, and the launch of Nakuru shows our commitment to the region,” said Brian Njao, Uber Head for East Africa. The launch of Uber Eats in Nakuru follows the recent expansion in Mombasa, Ongata Rongai, Syokimau and Kitengela.

Is there Uber in Eldoret?

No Uber in Eldoret, no worries!

Is SGR fully booked 2021?

“The SGR has been fully booked since December 17, 2021…that tells you that local tourism has really improved,” said tour operator and Bella Safaris CEO George Njuguna.

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