How is the size of a mirror related to the size of the image it produces?

How is the size of a mirror related to the size of the image it produces?

Reflection from a Plane Mirror The image distance always equals the object distance. The size of the image is the same as the object (the mirror does not magnify the image).

How does the shape of the mirror change the nature of the image?

The shape of a spherical mirror affects the image that is reflected. Light striking near the edge of the mirror does not focus at the exact same spot as light striking nearer to the center. This results in what is called spherical aberration.

What is the nature of the image and the mirror?

Image formation in concave mirrors depends on the distance of the object from the mirror. When the object is positioned very close to the mirror, we obtain a virtual and magnified image. At larger distances from the mirror, the images formed are real and inverted.

Do small mirrors always form a virtual image?

Small mirror always forms a virtual image.

What is the nature of image formed by a concave mirror if magnification produced by mirror is 3?

virtual and erect
What is the nature of the image formed by a concave mirror if the magnification is 3. Since the value of magnification has a positive value the image formed will be virtual and erect. Here the value of the magnification is +3, therefore, the image that will be formed will be virtual and erect.

What can you tell about the size and orientation of an image formed in a mirror?

Images in a plane mirror are the same size as the object, are located behind the mirror, and are oriented in the same direction as the object (i.e., “upright”). If you walk behind the mirror, you cannot see the image, because the rays do not go there.

How does a mirror affect the path of light?

Also, when light is reflected from a mirror, it bounces off at the same angle in the opposite direction from which it hit. For example, if the light hits a flat or “plane mirror” at a 30-degree angle from the left, it will bounce off at a 30-degree angle to the right.

Do things look bigger in the mirror?

Like spherical convex mirrors, spherical concave mirrors have a focus. If the object is closer to the mirror than the focal point is, the image will be virtual, like we talked about before for the plane mirror and the convex mirror. But as you bring the spoon closer to your eyes, the image will get bigger and bigger.

What is the nature of the mirror?

So the nature of the mirror is concave mirror.

How do you determine the nature of a mirror?

Both are concave mirror. formula of magnification is v/u. Now since u is negative and v is positive in concave mirror except one case when image is formed on left side of mirror,virtual and erect. so it is clear that -1.5 is for concave mirror.

What is the focal length of a plane mirror?

However the focal length of a plane mirror is infinity; its optical power is zero.

Which mirror among the above can be used to form the image on the wall?

Answer: A concave mirror can be used. Explanation: Because only concave mirror forms real image while convex and plane mirror only form virtual image.

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