How do you round to the nearest ten?

How do you round to the nearest ten?

To round a two-digit number to the nearest ten, simply increase it or decrease it to the nearest number that ends in 0: When a number ends in 1, 2, 3, or 4, bring it down; in other words, keep the tens digit the same and turn the ones digit into a 0.

What is 34519 rounded to the nearest ten thousands?

And as 519 when rounded to the nearest thousands = 1000, Therefore, the answer is B (i.e.) 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands = 35000.

What’s 1288 rounded to the nearest ten?

Rounding to Nearest Tens Examples

Number Rounded to Nearest Tens
1288 1290
1291 1290
1294 1290
1297 1300

What is 352 rounded to the nearest 10?

If it was required to round 352 to the nearest ten, one might choose 350 or 360, but since 352 is closer to 350 than it is to 360 (352 – 350 = 2 and 360 – 352 = 8), 350 is the better approximation of 352.

What is 63 rounded to the nearest ten?

The number 63 rounded to the nearest ten is 60.

What is 37 to the nearest 10?

So 40 is 37 rounded to the nearest 10.

What is 56500 to the nearest 1000?

56500 rounded to the nearest 1000

  • hey mate.
  • 56500.
  • nearest thousand => 56000 or 57000.
  • hope it helps.
  • ☆☆☆

What is 653500 to the nearest thousand?

What is 653500 to the nearest thousand? Answer: 654,000. Step-by-step explanation: The thousands place value is the 4th from the decimal.

What is 241639 to the nearest thousand?

241639 rounded to the nearest thousand equals 242000.

What is 165 rounded to the nearest tenth?

We are asked to round 165 to the nearest 10. The two nearest tens to 165 are 160 and 170.

What is 536 to the nearest hundred?

Round 536 to the nearest hundred. 536 is between 500 and 600. Look at the 30 in the tens place. It is below 50, so round down to 500.

How many significant figures are in 3500 to the nearest 100?

For example, there are 3 sig figs in 3500. The last zero (in the ones place) is not significant.

When do you round a number to the nearest ten?

For example, if you want to round to the nearest ten you’d look at the ones place. If the digit in the next smallest place value is less than five (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), you leave the digit you want to round to as-is. Any digits after that number (including the next smallest place value you just looked at) become zeros,…

Which is an example of rounding down to the nearest integer?

Round down (floor): Rounding down, sometimes referred to as “taking the floor” of a number means rounding down towards the nearest integer. For example, when rounding to the ones place, any non-integer value will be rounded down to the next lowest integer, as shown below: 5.99.

Is there a way to round the number 838.274?

Rounding Numbers. Say you wanted to round the number 838.274. Depending on which place value you’ll round to, the final result will vary. Rounding 838.274: Rounding to the nearest hundred is 800. Rounding to the nearest ten is 840. Rounding to the nearest one is 838. Rounding to the nearest tenth is 838.3.

When is rounding to the ones place the same as rounding up?

For example, when rounding to the ones place: Rounding half down is similar to rounding half up, except that it means rounding values that are halfway between the chosen rounding precision down, rather than up. For example, when rounding to the ones place: In the case of negative numbers, same as rounding half up, the definition is ambiguous.

You can use a trick to apply ROUND or ROUNDUP for rounding to the nearest 10: First divide the internal number by 10, and then multiply the entire function by 10, such as “=ROUNDUP (12/10, 0)*10.”. This works by turning the chosen number, 12, into 1.2. The function rounds 1.2 to 2, which the formula multiplies by 10,…

How do you round to the nearest tenth place?

Rounding to the Nearest Tenth. The tenth place is the first number after the decimal. Step 1: Draw a line after the number in the tenths place (after the first number to the right of the decimal). Step 2: Decide if the number in the tenths place should stay the same or round up.

How do you round to the nearest ten thousandths?

The rule for rounding to the nearest ten thousand is to look at the last four digits. If the last four digits are 5,000 or greater, then we round our ten thousands digit up, and if it is less than 5,000, then we keep our ten thousands digit the same. Given number is 265,427 and to round it to the nearest 10,000.

How do you round to the nearest ones?

Look to the next smallest place value, the digit to the right of the place value you’re rounding to. For example, if you want to round to the nearest ten you’d look at the ones place. If the digit in the next smallest place value is less than five (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), you leave the digit you want to round to as-is.

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