How do you put incandescent in a sentence?

How do you put incandescent in a sentence?

Incandescent in a Sentence πŸ”‰

  1. Our incandescent Christmas lights illuminate the living room.
  2. To preserve your eyesight, you should avoid looking directly at the incandescent sun.
  3. Incandescent bulbs produce light when a current heats a filament and gives off a glow.

What do you mean by incandescence?

: the quality or state of being incandescent especially : emission by a hot body of radiation that makes it visible.

What are some examples of incandescent?

Note: Application of incandescent bodies is: used in glow discharge lamps, neon lamps, fluorescent lamps, used in spot lights, flood lights, car headlights ,over head down lights. White hot iron in a forge, red hot lava flowing down a volcano, and the red burners on a stove are examples of incandescence.

How do you use cylinder in a sentence?

Cylinder sentence example

  1. The charge given up to the inner cylinder is known from its loss of potential.
  2. The drawing room had crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around, filled with large parrot tulips of every shade.
  3. A cylinder of chalk was used in some of Edison’s later experiments with this receiver.

What is the opposite of incandescent?

Opposite of illuminating or reflecting light. dark. dim. dull. gloomy.

How do you use judicious in a sentence?

Judicious in a Sentence πŸ”‰

  1. Because of the doctor’s experience, he was a judicious fellow who was well-respected by his colleagues.
  2. The experienced software engineer is judicious when it comes to finding the best way to code a software application.

Is incandescence a word?

the emission of visible light by a body, caused by its high temperature. the quality of being incandescent. …

Can a person be incandescent?

If you describe someone or something as incandescent, you mean that they are very lively and impressive. Kerrie Mae had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.

What is incandescent simple?

The definition of incandescent is something that creates light when heated. A light bulb that creates light when heat passes through a filament is an example of an incandescent light. Emitting visible light as a result of being heated.

What is the sentence of slender?

1) Everybody of us admired her slender figure. 2) She is slender and stylish. 3) She has long legs and slender ankles.

How do you use sphere in a sentence?

Examples of sphere in a Sentence Noun All points on a sphere are the same distance from the center. Women at that time were confined to the domestic sphere. They recognize that jobs in the public sphere are valuable.

What is a sentence using the word incandescent?

Examples of Incandescent in a sentence. Our incandescent Christmas lights illuminate the living room. πŸ”Š. To preserve your eyesight, you should avoid looking directly at the incandescent sun. πŸ”Š. Incandescent bulbs produce light when a current heats a filament and gives off a glow. πŸ”Š. Before we put the incandescent lights in the front yard, we could barely see anything at night. πŸ”Š.

What is an example of incandescent light?

Incandescent light is emitted from a heated object. The most obvious example is an incandescent light bulb (because of its name) β€” electricity flows through a thin wire filament causing it to heat up and glow. Other examples off the top of my head would include embers in a fire, the hot coil on an electric stove, molten steel, and lava.

What is the definition of incandescent lighting?

Incandescent light is a form of electric illumination that uses extreme heat to produce artificial light. This type of light bulb has been widely used for over a century to light homes and entire cities. There are different types of incandescent light, and each differs in the amount of energy required and the radiance emitted.

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