How do I use the word descent in a sentence?

How do I use the word descent in a sentence?

Descent sentence example

  1. The descent felt as long as their two day trip.
  2. They began the long descent , hand in hand.
  3. The flakes drifted directly down, undisturbed in their descent by any hint of a breeze in the still night air.

What does descend mean?

to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down: to descend from the mountaintop. to pass from higher to lower in any scale or series.

What does descend upon you mean?

to sink or come down in morals or behaviour; lower oneself. 8. (often foll by: on or upon) to arrive or attack in a sudden or overwhelming way: their relatives descended upon them last week.

How do you use descent?

the descendants of one individual.

  1. The plane began its descent into Paris.
  2. Passengers must fasten their seat belts prior to descent.
  3. The plane began its descent to Heathrow.
  4. The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours.
  5. We watched anxiously during her descent from the tree.

What does dimness mean?

the quality of being indistinct and without sharp outlines. the property of lights or sounds that lack brilliance or are reduced in intensity. synonyms: subduedness. type of: dullness. a lack of visual brightness.

What does fit ful mean?

fitful, spasmodic, convulsive mean lacking steadiness or regularity in movement. fitful implies intermittence, a succession of starts and stops or risings and fallings.

What does the name descending mean?

Descending refers to climbing down or moving downwards in the order prescribed to the characters of an event. It is the downward mobility of the event, or decrease in size or deflation of the situation at hand. To descend in literal terms translates to climb down or fall down.

What is another word for descends?

condescend, deign, descend(verb) do something that one considers to be below one’s dignity. Synonyms: condescend, fall, deign, come down, stoop, derive, patronize, settle, patronise, lower oneself, go down, come. Antonyms:

What is the meaning of descend and ascend?

As verbs the difference between descend and ascend is that descend is to pass from a higher to a lower place; to move downwards; to come or go down in any way, as by falling, flowing, walking, etc; to plunge; to fall; to incline downward while ascend is to move upward, to fly, to soar.

What is descending definition?

Definition of ‘descending’. descending. When a group of things is listed or arranged in descending order, each thing is smaller or less important than the thing before it.

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