How do I access my ePO server console?

How do I access my ePO server console?


  1. Select Analysis → → Attack Log.
  2. Double-click the alert for which you want to view the details.
  3. In the Summary tab under the Attaker/Target section, click the information icon next to the source or target IP address.
  4. Click Endpoint Security Events and then click Open ePO console.

How do I allow McAfee ePO ports?

NOTE: The local system is the system on which you are adding rules.

  1. Click the McAfee notification area icon and then click About.
  2. Open the ePO console.
  3. Select Menu, Policy, Policy Catalog.
  4. Select Endpoint Security Firewall from the Product list.
  5. Select the affected systems in the System Tree.

How does McAfee agent communicate with ePO?

McAfee Agent communicates with McAfee ePO Cloud periodically to send events and make sure that all client system settings are up to date. These communications are referred to as agent-server communication .

How do I change McAfee agent to server communication port?

Navigate to: \Program Files\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\ . Open Server. ini using a text editor, such as Notepad, and change the value for HTTPPort=80 to reflect the new port number.

What is the ePO console?

A single console for security management McAfee ePO is a truly centralized management platform to help prioritize alerts.

What is McAfee ePO console?

Overview: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (McAfee ePO) is the most advanced, extensible, and scalable centralized security management software in the industry. Drillable, drag-and-drop dashboards provide security intelligence across endpoints, data, mobile, and networks for immediate insight and faster response times.

What ports does McAfee ePO use?


Default port Protocol Traffic direction
1433 TCP Outbound connection from the McAfee ePO server
1434 UDP Outbound connection from the McAfee ePO server
8081 TCP Outbound connection from the McAfee ePO server
8443 TCP Inbound connection to the McAfee ePO server

What is ePO port?

McAfee ePO uses ports to communicate with web browsers, SQL Server, managed systems, the network, and other portions of the software. TCP port opened by agents to receive agent wakeup requests from the McAfee ePO server. TCP port opened to replicate repository content to a SuperAgent repository.

What is ePO McAfee?

The McAfee ePO server is the central software repository for all McAfee product installations, updates, and other content. The modular design of ePolicy Orchestrator allows new products to be added as extensions.

How do I change agent-server communication port on ePO?

Change agent-server communication port

  1. Stop the McAfee ePO services.
  2. Modify the port value in the registry.
  3. Modify the value in the McAfee ePO database.
  4. Modify the port value in the McAfee ePO configuration files.
  5. Restart the McAfee ePO services.
  6. (Optional) Modify settings on remote Agent Handlers.

What is ePO computer?

Short for emergency power off; also referred to as an EPO switch. A button or switch that shuts down the power in a room or network of electrical circuits.

What is McAfee ePO used for?

McAfee ePO software provides flexible, automated management capabilities so you identify, manage, and respond to security issues and threats. The McAfee ePO server is the central software repository for all McAfee product installations, updates, and other content.

Which is the Tomcat shutdown port in SEPM?

The Group Update Provider (GUP) proxy functionality of SEP client listens on this port. This is the Tomcat Shutdown port. In SEP 12, port 8765 is used. In SEPM, the registry is started by the Tomcat servlet container.

How to check if Java Tomcat is listening to a specific port?

First Try : go to activity monitor -> search for java and kill the instance then restart the server and try. Second Try: Check log file for any errors under tomcat logs folder. Third Try: Check if node or other apps using the same port. Use below command to check which app listening to a specific port.

How to change Tomcat’s default port to 8080?

Make sure no other application using port 8080 before starting tomcat. If that’s not the problem please paste tomcat log. If you want to change tomcat’s default port, go to tomcat folder and open conffolder, in which you can see server.xml. In that file you can see something like

How is Port 8765 used in Sep 12?

In SEP 12, port 8765 is used. In SEPM, the registry is started by the Tomcat servlet container. CreamTec’s AjaxSwing uses the existing registry to communicate with its client agents that run in standalone mode HTTPS communication between a remote management console and the SEPM.

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