How can you tell which fraction is greater?

How can you tell which fraction is greater?

As long as the denominators are the same, the fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction, as it contains more parts of the whole. The fraction with the lesser numerator is the lesser fraction as it contains fewer parts of the whole.

Which is a bigger fraction?

Compare fractions: If denominators are the same you can compare the numerators. The fraction with the bigger numerator is the larger fraction.

What fraction is bigger than 1 2?

Answer: Yes, 3/4 is bigger than 1/2. You can confirm this by converting both fractions to decimals. The decimal 0.75 is bigger than 0.5, so 3/4 is bigger than 1/2.

What fraction is bigger 1 2 or 1 3?

One-half is more than one-third. Because the two fractions, 1/3 and 1/2, have the same numerator (remember, the numerator is the number on top), they are easy to compare. If two fractions have the same numerator, the fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger fraction. Therefore, 1/2 is greater than 1/3.

How do u compare fractions?

What is the Rule of Comparing Fractions with the Same Denominator? When the denominators are the same, the fraction with the lesser numerator is the lesser fraction and the fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction. When the numerators are equal, the fractions are considered equivalent.

What fractions are bigger than 1?

Students who are successful at this have already generalized the rule: fractions greater than 1 have numerators larger than their denominators; those that are less than 1 have numerators smaller than their denominators; the rest are equal to 1.

How do you tell if a fraction is greater than 1 2?

Look at the denominator (If the numerator is less than half of the denominator, then the fraction is less than one-half. If the numerator is greater than half of the denominator, then the fraction is greater than one-half.)

What is smaller than a 1/2 inch?

The largest division, 1/2″, has the longest line. The lines at each rank get shorter, ie: 1/4 is shorter than 1/2; 1/8 is shorter than 1/4; and 1/16 is shorter than 1/8. Fractions have two parts, the numerator and the denominator.

Is one half or one third bigger?

1 3 < 1 2 Halves are larger than thirds, so one half is greater than one third.

Because the denominators of the fractions are same, we can compare the numerators and decide which fraction is greater. Because the denominators are different, first we have to make the denominators same. To make the denominator same. we have find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators 8 and 12.

What happens when the denominators of fractions are the same?

If the denominators are same, then we can decide that the fraction which is having the greater numerator is greater. If the denominators are different, then we have to make the denominators same and compare the fractions as said in case 1.

How to check which fraction is greater 12 / 60 or 35 / 60?

In 12/60 and 35/60, the denominator is same. Now we can compare the numerators and decide which fraction is greater. Because the denominators are different, first we have to make the denominators same.

How can you tell which fraction is greater in the LCM?

Because the LCM is 21, we have to make each denominator as 21 using multiplication as shown below. In 14/21 and 12/21, the denominator is same. Now we can compare the numerators and decide which fraction is greater.

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