What is the natural enemy of caterpillars?

What is the natural enemy of caterpillars? Birds are significant predators of insects, particularly larger caterpillars, in woody plants. What kind of birds eat caterpillars? Common backyard birds, such as American robins (Turdus migratorious), red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus) and Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus), are very fond of caterpillars. Yellow warblers (Dendroica petechial) greedily consume larval […]

What kind of insect builds a mud nest?

What kind of insect builds a mud nest? mud daubers Mud dauber is a common name for wasps that make their brood nests with mud. There are many species of wasps referred to as mud daubers; some other common names are dirt daubers, organ-pipe wasps, mud wasps and potter wasps. What flying insect builds nests […]

What is question tag and how it is formed?

What is question tag and how it is formed? Question tags are formed by the same verb of the sentence (auxiliary verbs, the verb to be and modal verbs). Their structures are: Positive sentence + , + negative tag [auxiliary + not + subject]? Negative sentence + , + positive tag [auxiliary + subject]? What […]

Which energy do we get while burning cracker?

Which energy do we get while burning cracker? The firecracker has chemical potential energy that is released when it is ignited. This energy is changed to kinetic energy after the firecracker explodes, causing the cans to move. What is the energy transfer in a firecracker? chemical energy The energy transformations in a firecracker are chemical […]

When was Tom Sawyer first published?

When was Tom Sawyer first published? 1876 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Originally published How much is a first edition Tom Sawyer book worth? It wasn’t until six months later, in June of 1876, that the first American edition was published by American Publishing Co. in Hartford, Connecticut. However, the first American edition can sell for […]

What is the charge state of sulfur?

What is the charge state of sulfur? sulfur atomic number 16 density (at 20 °C [68 °F]) rhombic 2.07 grams/cm3 monoclinic 1.96 grams/cm3 oxidation states −2, +4, +6 What is the ionic state of sulfur? +4 The oxidation state of the sulfur is +4. Is sulfur an anion or cation? And all of them form […]

What is PwC job?

What is PwC job? At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 156 countries with over 295,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us […]

Why are human relations important in supervision?

Why are human relations important in supervision? A supervisor is treated as human relations expert because he serves as a negotiator, buffer, communicator, and compromiser. All these require that the supervisor develops a broader perspective to deal with human problems and needs human relations and interpersonal skills. What is human supervision? It involves controlling, influencing […]

Who is MAC owned by?

Who is MAC owned by? the Estée Lauder Companies Part of the Estée Lauder Companies since 1994, M·A·C is sold today in over 120 countries around the world. It remains committed to developing new categories, products and over 50 collections each year, all of which continue to serve the demand of consumers and professional makeup […]

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