What is the order of digestion from mouth to anus?

What is the order of digestion from mouth to anus? The organs that make up your GI tract, in the order that they are connected, include your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus. How does the digestive system work in a pig? In a monogastric digestive system, food is chewed, swallowed, and […]

How do I study past exam papers?

How do I study past exam papers? Revision: how to use past exam papers Check out command words carefully to understand what the question is asking of you! Use past papers to make sure that you are managing your time well. Go through past paper answers with a different colour pen to highlight any marks […]

How can Volcanoes be dangerous to humans?

How can Volcanoes be dangerous to humans? Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are powerfully destructive. People have died from volcanic blasts. Volcanic eruptions can result in additional threats to health, such as floods, mudslides, power outages, drinking water contamination, and wildfires. Is nisyros volcano active? The Nisyros volcano is the […]

Can a 16 year old date a 30 year old in Ohio?

Can a 16 year old date a 30 year old in Ohio? According to Ohio family law, yes, a 16-year-old is considered old enough to make their own decisions. Therefore, they can choose to date someone who is older than them, regardless of the age difference. What is the youngest a 16 year old can […]

How do you build a raised platform deck?

How do you build a raised platform deck? Basic steps for building a raised deck (the TL;DR version) Foundation. Pour concrete. Ledger. Place steel connectors – the strongest way to attach posts to concrete. Cut posts using your ledger as a height reference. Set the beam on top of your posts and check beam alignment. […]

Is tundra on top of a mountain?

Is tundra on top of a mountain? The Alpine Tundra is a unique biome in that it’s found all over the globe, but only on tops of the tallest mountains. While temperature and rainfall usually determine the other biomes, this one is defined mostly by elevation. What landforms can be found in the tundra? The […]

How do you convert mild steel to stainless steel?

How do you convert mild steel to stainless steel? To make stainless steel, the raw materials—iron ore, chromium, silicon, nickel, etc. —are melted together in an electric furnace. This step usually involves 8 to 12 hours of intense heat. Next, the mixture is cast into one of several shapes, including blooms, billets, and slabs. How […]

What countries have a federal government?

What countries have a federal government? Pakistan, India, Brazil, Switzerland, Australia, Belgium, Canada, etc., are the significant examples of federal government. Mostly the federal government system is referred to the United States government. This government is based on the republicanism and federalism. What countries have no federal government? Note: China and Sri Lanka have a […]

Do Greek gods display human emotions?

Do Greek gods display human emotions? Otherwise, their many emotions very much relate them to humans. Among these emotions are lust (Zeus), jealousy (Hera and Aphrodite), vanity (Narcissus and Aphrodite), disloyalty (Zeus and Prometheus), and their ability to feel pain (Prometheus and Demeter). Ironically, Zeus shows the majority of these human traits. How did the […]

How do I know when I get a text message?

How do I know when I get a text message? Text Message Notification Settings – Android™ From the messaging app, tap the Menu icon. Tap ‘Settings’ or ‘Messaging’ settings. If applicable, tap ‘Notifications’ or ‘Notification settings’. Configure the following received notification options as preferred: Configure the following ringtone options: How do I get my iPhone […]

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