Why is service quality important in business?

Why is service quality important in business? A service has quality can satisfy customers needs and demands. Service quality is more important and necessary due to increasing customer expectations, competitor activity, environmental factors, services nature, organizational internal factors. What is the importance of service quality? Service quality plays an essential role in achieving important goals, […]

What makes the echidna unique?

What makes the echidna unique? The echidna has spines like a porcupine, a beak like a bird, a pouch like a kangaroo, and lays eggs like a reptile. Also known as spiny anteaters, they’re small, solitary mammals native to Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. What makes the platypus especially unusual is that although it is […]

What is an iconoclast person?

What is an iconoclast person? 1 : a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions. 2 : a person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration. Other Words from iconoclast Synonyms & Antonyms For the Meaning of Iconoclast, Break It Down Example Sentences Learn More About iconoclast. What is the significance of iconoclast? a […]

Who are the main characters in eggs?

Who are the main characters in eggs? Characters David Limpert – A lone nine-year-old boy (ten years old by the end of the book) who is described as very grief-stricken and sensitive about his mother’s death. Primrose Periwinkle Dufee – A rebellious thirteen-year-old girl. Margret Limpert – An old, seemingly kind woman who cares for […]

Are toads related to frogs?

Are toads related to frogs? They are both amphibians in the order Anura, which means “without a tail.” Toads are a sub-classification of frogs, meaning that all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads. They both reproduce in water, and they even look alike. Where do toads come from? Toads are found on […]

What was the event that convinced people that the Articles of Confederation needed to be revised?

What was the event that convinced people that the Articles of Confederation needed to be revised? The American Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. Shay’s Rebellion showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. What influenced the Articles of Confederation? Radicals believed that the purpose of the Revolution was to establish a government, unlike any […]

How does climate affect farming?

How does climate affect farming? Changes in ozone, greenhouse gases and climate change affect agricultural producers greatly because agriculture and fisheries depend on specific climate conditions. Temperature changes can cause habitat ranges and crop planting dates to shift and droughts and floods due to climate change may hinder farming practices. How did the geography affect […]

What is area social studies?

What is area social studies? Area studies, multidisciplinary social research focusing on specific geographic regions or culturally defined areas. Area-studies programs typically draw on disciplines such as political science, history, sociology, ethnology, geography, linguistics, literature, and cultural studies. What are the areas in social studies to study? Although the term “social studies” includes primarily history, […]

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