How many oxygen are there in 2h2o?

How many oxygen are there in 2h2o? Explanation: 2H²0 is 4 Hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. Is splitting H2O into H2 and O2 a chemical reaction? Water splitting is the chemical reaction in which water is broken down into oxygen and hydrogen: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O. Efficient and economical water splitting […]

What is the essential fluid to make engine run?

What is the essential fluid to make engine run? Engine Oil Engine Oil Oil is your cars most important fluid; it reduces friction inside the engine and ensures everything stays running efficiently. It also protects the moving parts of your engine from getting damaged by heat and its cleaning properties can help to reduce dirt […]

What color has a wavelength of 434 nm?

What color has a wavelength of 434 nm? Color Physics Color Wavelength (nm) Green 490 – 530 Blue 460 – 480 Indigo 440 – 450 Violet 390 – 430 What color of light is 436 nm? blue Table of spectral or near-spectral colors Color term, light source, or dye Sample Wavelength, nm • Munsell 5B […]

What did Jacques Cartier discover Canada?

What did Jacques Cartier discover Canada? During that first expedition, he explored the western coast of Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence as far as today’s Anticosti Island, which Cartier called Assomption. He is also credited with the discovery of what is now known as Prince Edward Island. How did Jacques Cartier help the […]

When should you cut a friend out of your life?

When should you cut a friend out of your life? The friendship is consistently one-sided. They betray your trust. They don’t keep your secrets. They are overly negative and pessimistic. You have little or nothing to talk about. They create or attract drama. They are passive-aggressive when you say “no” to them. They dismiss it […]

What do you do with boudoir photos?

What do you do with boudoir photos? 5 Unique Ways to Show Off Your Boudoir Photos Photo Album. You look amazing in your photos, so you probably want to keep them for a while! Frames. Don’t be afraid to frame your photos and show them off. Metal Prints. Something so beautiful deserves to be blown […]

What is platonic criticism?

What is platonic criticism? a critical approach or doctrine based upon and applying the ideas and values of Plato and Platonism, implying a literary analysis which finds the value of a work in its extrinsic qualities and historical context, as well as in its non-artistic usefulness. Why was Plato criticized? Plato’s political philosophy has been […]

What species of dog is endangered?

What species of dog is endangered? Otterhound. Its origins are unknown, but this breed was developed to (yes, really) hunt otters. There are now only about 1,000 such dogs left in the world, making the otterhound the most endangered native breed in Britain. How many Huskies are left in the world? There are very few […]

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