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What are the causes of bleeding and segregation in concrete?
Bleeding in concrete Bleeding is a form of segregation in which water present in the concrete mix is pushed upwards due to the settlement of cement and aggregate. The specific gravity of water is low, due to this water tends to move upwards. Bleeding ordinarily occurs in the wet mix of concrete.
What do you mean by segregation of concrete?
Segregation of concrete means separation of ingredients from design fresh concrete resulting in the non-uniform mix. More specifically this implies the separation of coarse aggregates from the mortar because of differences in size, density, shape and other properties of ingredients in which they are composed.
How can we prevent segregation in concrete?
Handling, placing, and compaction of freshly mixed concrete should be done carefully. A proper vibration also reduces the chances of segregation. 4. Concrete should not be dropped from more heights.
How can we prevent bleeding and segregation in concrete?
Ways to reduce bleeding in concrete include:
- Reduce water content. Use lower slump mix.
- Use finer cements.
- Increase amount of fines in the sand.
- Use supplementary cementitious materials.
- Use air entraining admixtures.
What is segregation in building construction?
Segregation of concrete is the separation of cement paste and aggregates of concrete from each other during handling and placement. Segregation also occurs due to over-vibration or compaction of concrete, in which cement paste comes to the top and aggregates settles at the bottom.
What is segregation bleeding?
Bleeding is a form of segregation where some of the water in the concrete tends to rise to the surface of the freshly placed material. If the bleed water is remixed during the finishing of the top surface, a weak top surface will result. …
What is aggregate segregation?
Segregation of the mix occurs just as segregation of the aggregate occurs when the material is dropped on top of a conical pile. The largest aggregate particles in the mix roll down the sides and collect at the bottom of the pile. Truckload segregation is really a combination of two factors.
How is concrete segregation measured?
All Answers (4) Simple determination of segregation in % (stability) may be measured by placing a concrete/cement mix in a 100-ml-mearuring cylinder for a standardized time interval and at a specified temperature (low accuracy!)
How do you control segregation?
Prevention of segregation Segregation of concrete can be prevented by correctly proportioning the mix and using the recommended water-cement ratio so as to prevent using excess water. Care should be taken while handling, placing, transporting, compacting and also at finishing stages.
How can we prevent segregation?
Prevention of Segregation in Concrete
- Following are useful tips to avoid segregation in concrete:
- Always use concrete which is predesigned with optimum quantity of water i.e. not too wet nor too dry.
- Weight the ingredients of concrete properly before you mix them.
What are the factors affecting segregation?
Some factors that increase segregation are:
- Larger maximum particle size (25mm) and proportion of the larger particles.
- High specific gravity of coarse aggregate.
- Decrease in the amount of fine particles.
- Particle shape and texture.
- Water/cement ratio.
What is the difference between bleeding and segregation?
Bleeding is a form of segregation where some of the water in the concrete tends to rise to the surface of the freshly placed material. Conversely, if evaporation of the surface water is faster than the rate of bleed, plastic shrinkage cracking may occur.
Why does segregation occur in concrete?
Segregation also occurs due to over-vibration or compaction of concrete, in which cement paste comes to the top and aggregates settles at the bottom. Segregation of concrete affects strength and durability in structures.
How to prevent segregation of concrete?
Ensure that the concrete is mixed properly; the concrete must mixed at the correct speed in the transit mixer for at least two minutes immediately before discharging.
What causes segregation of concrete in field?
The points given below are the primary causes of segregation of concrete in field. Poorly graded aggregate & excessive water content is the major cause of segregation. A badly proportioned mix, where sufficient matrix is not there to bond and contain the aggregate cause aggregates to settle down.
What is the size of coarse aggregate used in concrete?
Coarse aggregates are any particles greater than 0.19 inch, but generally range between 3/8 and 1.5 inches in diameter. Gravels constitute the majority of coarse aggregate used in concrete with crushed stone making up most of the remainder. Natural gravel and sand are usually dug or dredged from a pit, river, lake, or seabed.