Can you drink old unopened Baileys?

Can you drink old unopened Baileys?

Expired Baileys is not ok to drink and could potentially make you ill. Yes, the alcohol will help keep the drink fresh, but eventually (after around 2 years), the dairy within the beverage will sour and go bad.

Can you drink Baileys 6 months out of date?

Manufacturers report that Baileys has a shelf life of two years, though, personally, we recommend drinking it within 6 months, for the best taste and flavor. It is highly unlikely that your Baileys will spoil the day after it had passed expiry, but it is still good to take stock in its best-before-date.

Does sealed Baileys go bad?

Unlike other liqueurs that can last for ages, the dairy content in Baileys will make it go bad after a certain period of time. Baileys can last for 24 months after its manufacturing date when properly stored. Always check the expiry date on the label. An unopened bottle can sit either in the fridge or outside.

What is the shelf life of unopened Irish cream?

around two years
On average, a bottle of Irish cream can last around two years if you store it in a pantry or fridge….

How Long Does Irish Cream Last (Chart)
Irish cream type Pantry Fridge
Unopened 2 to 3 months 6 months
Opened 6 months 6 months
Homemade 2 to 3 months 3 to 6 months

Why does Baileys curdle in coffee?

Cream liqueurs curdle because of their high dairy content. Dairy products, such as milk or cream, curdle in the presence of acid. Acids have a very low pH, which lowers the overall pH of the mixture. As the pH drops below 5.5, the casein proteins in the dairy ingredients begin to coagulate.

How does Baileys not go bad?

Baileys is the only Irish cream manufacturer who guarantees their product’s taste for two years from manufacture, regardless of whether opened or refrigerated. Baileys’ unique patented blending of whiskey, cream, cocoa, and vanilla requires no preservatives. The whiskey serves as a natural preservative.

What happens if you drink curdled Baileys?

The curdled Baileys does not taste sour, but it does rapidly gain viscosity and stick to the drinker’s teeth, reminiscent of cement. For a sweeter taste, two shot glasses, one of lemonade and one of Baileys, can be used.

Should Baileys Irish cream be refrigerated after opening?

Once you open the bottle, the refrigerator is probably the best place to store this liquor. While this liqueur contains cream, which is a dairy product that requires refrigeration, the liqueur doesn’t really need it. Also, Irish cream is best served chilled, so keeping it in the fridge simply makes sense.

How long does cream liqueur last unopened?

2 years
Unopened cream liqueur will typically maintain best quality for 2 years, although it will stay safe indefinitely if properly stored.

Should Bailey’s be refrigerated after opening?

There’s really no need to refrigerate opened Baileys (other Irish creams may vary) as the product is stable within the temperature ranges stated on the packaging. 0–25 Celsius (32–77 Fahrenheit ) However many consumers prefer it cooled so there is no problem keeping it in the fridge.

How long does Baileys stay good?

Bailey’s website states that an unopened bottle will last for 2 years. Once the bottle is opened, you can drink it within six months. You do not have to store it in the fridge as the whiskey preserves the cream but it is fine if you do! Hope that helps.

Does an unopened bottle of Baileys go bad?

Yes, Baileys will certainly turn bad after a certain period of time like many other liqueurs of a similar nature. According to, it expires after 2 years when it was made. It doesn’t matter if it was unopened or opened, refrigerated or not, it will expire in couple of years.

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