What region is below the umbilical region?

What region is below the umbilical region?

Hypogastric region
Hypogastric region– inferior to the umbilical region (pubic area) Right iliac (inguinal region)-located lateral to the hypogastric region. Left iliac (inguinal region)-located lateral to the hypogastric region. Right lumbar region– lateral to the umbilical region.

What is the region near the umbilicus called?

Anatomical terminology The umbilical region, is one of the nine regions of the abdomen. It is the region that surrounds the area around the umbilicus and is placed approximately half way between the xiphoid process and the pubic symphysis.

What is the area called below your belly button?

lower abdomen
The region below the belly button is called the lower abdomen. For example, the lower abdomen can be further divided into right and left parts (quadrants).

What is the lower abdominal region?

The left lower quadrant (LLQ) of the human abdomen is the area left of the midline and below the umbilicus. The LLQ includes the left iliac fossa and half of the left flank region. The equivalent term for animals is left posterior quadrant.

What is the lowest central region of the abdomen?

The center portion is the umbilical region, the region of the navel or the umbilicus. Directly above this is the epigastric region, or the region of the stomach. Directly below the umbilical region is the hypogastric region….Medical Terminology for Regions of the Body.

Region Where It Is
Submental Below the chin
Supraclavicular Above the clavicles

Where is the umbilical region located quizlet?

The umbilical region, in the anatomists’ abdominal pelvic nine-region scheme, is the area surrounding the umbilicus (navel). This region of the abdomen contains part of the stomach, the head of the pancreas, the duodenum, a section of the transverse colon and the lower aspects of the left and right kidney.

Is the stomach in the umbilical region?

This part of your abdomen is referred to as the umbilical region. It contains parts of your stomach, small and large intestine, and your pancreas.

Why is it called umbilical region?

The umbilical region is a term that anatomists use for describing the abdominal area around the navel of the human body. It is named after the navel’s clinical term, which is umbilicus, or the area from which the umbilical is severed after birth.

Where is the stomach located in the abdomen?

The stomach is a muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen. The stomach receives food from the esophagus. As food reaches the end of the esophagus, it enters the stomach through a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter. The stomach secretes acid and enzymes that digest food.

What region is located below the cartilage of the ribs?

Hypochondriac: two upper right and left regions below the cartilage of the ribs that extend over the abdomen. Epigastric: region above the stomach. Lumbar: two middle right and left regions near the waist.

What is the region located in the middle of the abdominal region?

umbilical region
The Middle Abdomen Region 5 is known as the umbilical region. Think of this as your belly button area. This area is home to the small intestine. Region 6 is known as the left lumbar region, containing body parts such as the descending colon and the left kidney.

What makes up the middle of the abdomen?

The Middle Abdomen. Region 4 is known as the right lumbar region. In this area we have organs or body parts such as the liver, gallbladder, and ascending colon. Region 5 is known as the umbilical region. Think of this as your belly button area. This area is home to the small intestine. Region 6 is known as the left lumbar region,…

Which is the right lumbar region of the abdomen?

Region 4 is known as the right lumbar region. In this area we have organs or body parts such as the liver, gallbladder, and ascending colon. Region 5 is known as the umbilical region. Think of this as your belly button area.

What are the 3 regions of the upper abdomen?

The Upper Abdomen. Now let’s explore the three regions of the upper abdomen. Region 1 is known as the right hypochondriac region. This area is home to organs such as the liver, gallbladder, right kidney, and small intestine. Region 2 is known as the epigastric region.

Where are the organs located in the abdomen?

There are nine regions of the abdomen that house various organs. These regions are broken into three areas: the upper, middle, and lower abdomen. In the upper abdomen, the right hypochondriac, epigastric, and left hypochondriac regions reside.

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