Who led the Corps of Discovery in their exploration of the Louisiana Territory apex?

Who led the Corps of Discovery in their exploration of the Louisiana Territory apex?

He called the proposed mission the Voyage of Discovery and began assembling a team of explorers called the Corps (KOR) of Discovery. The president chose Captain Meriwether Lewis and Captain William Clark to lead the expedition.

Who led the Corps of Discovery?

Thomas Jefferson
Corps of Discovery/Founders

Who set out on the Corps of Discovery to document the new territory?

captain Meriwether Lewis
To head the expedition into the Louisiana territory, Jefferson appointed his friend and personal secretary, twenty-nine-year-old army captain Meriwether Lewis, who was instructed to form a Corps of Discovery.

Who were the explorers of the Louisiana Territory?

Jefferson soon commissioned the Lewis and Clark Expedition, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore the territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.

What did the members of the Corps of Discovery do during the expedition?

Lewis recruited his friend William Clark to share equally in the command of the expedition, as well as a force of over 40 men. The members of the Corps of Discovery were soldiers, but their purpose was peaceful — exploration, diplomacy, and science.

What caused the Corps of Discovery?

The Corps was led jointly by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark. Commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson, the Corps’ objectives were scientific and commercial – to study the area’s plants, animal life, and geography, and to learn how the Louisiana Purchase could be exploited economically.

Who were the people in the Corps of Discovery?

These legendary characters organized and led the Corps of Discovery on the famous Lewis & Clark Expedition.

  • Meriwether Lewis.
  • William Clark.
  • Thomas Jefferson.
  • York.
  • Sergeant Charles Floyd.
  • Toussaint Charbonneau.
  • Sakakawea (Sacagawea)
  • Jean Baptiste Charbonneau (Pomp)

Why did Jefferson want the Louisiana territory explored?

Thomas Jefferson had been interested in exploring the west well before the 1803 Louisiana Purchase from France. The exploration would provide a wealth of information on everything from flora and fauna to geography to the inhabitants.

Who led Lewis and Clark through the Louisiana Purchase?

Meriwether Lewis
The Lewis and Clark Expedition began in 1804, when President Thomas Jefferson tasked Meriwether Lewis with exploring lands west of the Mississippi River that comprised the Louisiana Purchase. Lewis chose William Clark as his co-leader for the mission.

Who was president during the exploration of Louisiana?

American Exploration of Louisiana. Acquisition and exploration of American lands throughout the first decade of the 19th century began and ended with President Thomas Jefferson.

Who was the captain of the Corps of discovery?

In addition, one of Jefferson’s main objectives was for the unit to find a waterway that would connect the east to the west. Jefferson selected 28-year-old Army captain, Meriwether Lewis to lead the expedition, afterward known as the Corps of Discovery.

What was the purpose of the Corps of discovery?

Corps of Discovery. By any measure of scientific exploration, the Lewis and Clark expedition was phenomenally successful in terms of accomplishing its stated goals, expanding human knowledge, and spurring further curiosity and wonder about the vast American West.

Where did Lewis and Clark send the Corps of discovery?

Corps of Discovery. Westward To The Pacific On April 7, 1805 Lewis and Clark sent the keelboat back to St. Louis with an extensive collection of zoological, botanical, and ethnological specimens as well as letters, reports, dispatches, and maps, and resumed their westward journey in two pirogues and six dugout canoes.

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